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Discussion on: Know more about function in JavaScript

codingtheworld777 profile image

Hi. It's me again. Actually I have thought about the order of return in JavaScript last night. Let's comeback to the first example. Because I actually called the "call" function inside "question" and then involve 'question' at global scope. My opinion is that when I execute 'question' outside, this function does its work, after all because I didn't return it so the final result of question() will be 'undefined', but I actually call 'call' inside and it returns a value. It makes me think that the final result of question() is the 'return value' of "call" (actually it's not :) ). So the question here is which one came first? The return of 'question' or the return of 'call'? Or I have a wrong question here, it doesn't mean the order of return?

sargalias profile image
Spyros Argalias

Hmm... I think from the previous replies I've given you should have your answer. I understand these things are difficult to understand at first, but at this point I would suggest checking out a resource that can explain it better than me and in more detail.

Generally recommended resources are:

Good luck and keep on learning :)