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Differences Between var, let, and const

1. Overview of var, let, and const

Feature var let const
Scope Function-scoped Block-scoped Block-scoped
Re-declaration Allowed within the same scope Not allowed in the same scope Not allowed in the same scope
Re-assignment Allowed Allowed Not allowed after initialization
Initialization Can be declared without initialization Can be declared without initialization Must be initialized at the time of declaration
Hoisting Hoisted but initialized to undefined Hoisted but not initialized Hoisted but not initialized

2. Scope Differences

Type Function Scope Block Scope
var Variables are scoped to the enclosing function. Does not support block scope. A var inside a block (if, for, etc.) leaks into the enclosing function or global scope.
let / const Not function-scoped. Variables are confined to the block they are declared in.


if (true) {
  var x = 10;
  let y = 20;
  const z = 30;
console.log(x); // 10 (accessible because of function scope)
console.log(y); // ReferenceError (block-scoped)
console.log(z); // ReferenceError (block-scoped)
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3. Re-declaration and Re-assignment

Feature var let const
Re-declaration Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Re-assignment Allowed Allowed Not allowed


// Re-declaration
var a = 10;
var a = 20; // Allowed

let b = 30;
// let b = 40; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'b' has already been declared

const c = 50;
// const c = 60; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'c' has already been declared

// Re-assignment
a = 15; // Allowed
b = 35; // Allowed
// c = 55; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable
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4. Hoisting Behavior

Type Hoisting Behavior
var Hoisted to the top of the scope but initialized as undefined.
let Hoisted but not initialized. Accessing it before declaration causes a ReferenceError.
const Hoisted but not initialized. Must be initialized at the time of declaration.


console.log(a); // undefined (hoisted)
var a = 10;

console.log(b); // ReferenceError (temporal dead zone)
let b = 20;

console.log(c); // ReferenceError (temporal dead zone)
const c = 30;
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5. Similarities Between let and const

Feature let and const
Block Scope Both are confined to the block in which they are declared.
No Hoisting Initialization Both are hoisted but cannot be accessed before initialization.
Better Practice Preferred over var for predictable scoping.

6. When to Use Which?

Scenario Recommended Keyword
Re-declare variables or use function scope var (generally avoid unless necessary for legacy code).
Variables that may change let (e.g., counters, flags, intermediate calculations).
Variables that should not change const (e.g., configuration settings, fixed values).

7. Explanation of Hoisting

What is Hoisting?

Hoisting is JavaScript's default behavior of moving declarations to the top of their scope during the compile phase.

  • var: Hoisted and initialized to undefined.
  • let / const: Hoisted but not initialized. This creates a temporal dead zone (TDZ) from the start of the block until the declaration is encountered.

Why Hoisting Works This Way?

  1. Compilation Phase: JavaScript first scans the code to create a memory space for variable and function declarations. At this stage:
  • var variables are initialized to undefined.
  • let and const variables are "hoisted" but left uninitialized, hence the TDZ.
  • Function declarations are fully hoisted.
  1. Execution Phase: JavaScript starts executing code line by line. Variables and functions are assigned values during this phase.

8. Summary of Hoisting

Type Hoisting Access Before Declaration
var Hoisted and initialized to undefined. Allowed but value is undefined.
let Hoisted but not initialized. Causes a ReferenceError.
const Hoisted but not initialized. Causes a ReferenceError.


// var
console.log(foo); // undefined
var foo = 10;

// let
console.log(bar); // ReferenceError
let bar = 20;

// const
console.log(baz); // ReferenceError
const baz = 30;
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  1. Use const whenever possible for variables that do not need reassignment.
  2. Use let for variables that need to be reassigned within the same scope.
  3. Avoid var unless working with legacy code or requiring function-scoped behavior.

JavaScript Data Types

JavaScript has various data types classified into Primitive and Non-Primitive (Reference) types. Here's an explanation of each with examples and differences:

1. Primitive Data Types

Primitive types are immutable, meaning their values cannot be changed after they are created. They are stored directly in memory.

Data Type Example Description
String "hello", 'world' Represents a sequence of characters (text). Enclosed in single (''), double (""), or backticks ().
Number 42, 3.14, NaN Represents both integers and floating-point numbers. Includes NaN (Not-a-Number) and Infinity.
BigInt 123n, 9007199254740991n Used for numbers larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2^53 - 1). Add n to create a BigInt.
Boolean true, false Represents logical values, used in conditions to represent "yes/no" or "on/off".
Undefined undefined Indicates a variable has been declared but not assigned a value.
Null null Represents an intentional absence of value. Often used to reset or clear a variable.
Symbol Symbol('id') Represents a unique identifier, mainly used as property keys for objects to avoid collisions.

2. Non-Primitive (Reference) Data Types

Non-primitive types are mutable and stored by reference. They are used to store collections of data or more complex entities.

Data Type Example Description
Object {name: 'John', age: 30} A collection of key-value pairs. Keys are strings (or Symbols), and values can be any type.
Array [1, 2, 3, "apple"] A list-like ordered collection of values. Access elements via index (e.g., array[0]).
Function function greet() {} A reusable block of code that can be executed. Functions are first-class citizens in JavaScript.
Date new Date() Represents date and time. Provides methods for manipulating dates and times.
RegExp /pattern/ Represents regular expressions used for pattern matching and string searching.
Map new Map() A collection of key-value pairs where keys can be of any type, unlike plain objects.
Set new Set([1, 2, 3]) A collection of unique values, preventing duplicates.
WeakMap new WeakMap() Similar to Map, but keys are weakly held, meaning they can be garbage-collected.
WeakSet new WeakSet() Similar to Set, but holds objects weakly to prevent memory leaks.

3. Key Differences Between Primitive and Non-Primitive Types

Aspect Primitive Types Non-Primitive Types
Mutability Immutable: Values cannot be changed. Mutable: Values can be modified.
Storage Stored directly in memory. Stored as a reference to a memory location.
Copy Behavior Copied by value (creates a new value). Copied by reference (points to the same object).
Examples string, number, boolean, etc. object, array, function, etc.

4. Special Cases

typeof Operator

  • typeof null: Returns "object" due to a historical bug in JavaScript, but null is not an object.
  • typeof NaN: Returns "number", even though it means "Not-a-Number."
  • typeof function: Returns "function", which is a subtype of object.

Dynamic Typing

JavaScript allows variables to hold values of different types at runtime:

let value = 10; // Number
value = 'Ten'; // String
value = true; // Boolean
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5. Examples for Each Data Type

Primitive Types

let str = 'Hello, World'; // String
let num = 42; // Number
let big = 123456789012345678901n; // BigInt
let bool = true; // Boolean
let notDefined; // Undefined
let emptyValue = null; // Null
let uniqueId = Symbol('id'); // Symbol
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Non-Primitive Types

let obj = { name: 'John', age: 25 }; // Object
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // Array
let greet = function () {
  // Function
let today = new Date(); // Date
let regex = /abc/; // RegExp
let map = new Map(); // Map
let set = new Set([1, 2, 3]); // Set
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6. Summary of typeof Results

Expression Result
typeof "hello" "string"
typeof 42 "number"
typeof 123n "bigint"
typeof true "boolean"
typeof undefined "undefined"
typeof null "object"
typeof Symbol() "symbol"
typeof {} "object"
typeof [] "object"
typeof function(){} "function"

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