I know data structures and algorithms sound scary, But they are not.
If you learn them, you can pass any interview in the world. In addition, you can build awesome high-performance apps and much more.
I have seen many people get stuck in data structures and algorithms because they get overwhelmed by the topics.
They do not know where to start; they read Wikipedia pages, articles and watch tutorials but don't understand anything.
They feel like this huge mountain of knowledge that is difficult to climb up with all these ideas floating around their head.
So, in this article, I will give you 13 reasons why you should learn data structures and algorithms.
Not only that, I'm going to write down a complete series with visual explanations in upcoming articles.
Before moving to the reasons, I want to make sure you better understand:
Difference between Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structure:
A data structure is a way in which you organize your data.
For example, an array can be used to store numbers.
Data structures are one of the basic building blocks of modern computer programs.
We use them without even realizing it all the time. These are the methods of arranging information for efficient processing.
They include a variety of ways to arrange information, such as books on a shelf, folders on a desk, items on an organizational chart, etc.
To use the right data structure in the digital world, you should consider whether you want to add information, search for it, or remove it.
An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or carrying out some task.
For example, to calculate the area of a rectangle you will need to follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
You start by drawing an imaginary line that divides the rectangle into two parts.
Step 2:
Next, you take half of this imaginary line and draw a line parallel to it.
Step 3:
This is the new starting point of your rectangle. You repeat this step until you reach the desired area (in our case, area = height * width).
You should understand that an algorithm can be described as an explicit procedure for solving.
Skills in data structures and algorithms are a great addition to a programmer's portfolio.
A programmer who knows data structures and algorithms is able to come up with efficient and optimized solutions to real-world problems.
Data structures and algorithms are the building blocks of large software systems.
Therefore, understanding how to use this knowledge to build efficient software is critical. You should still learn it as it makes you smarter as a programmer.
Reason #2:
By the time you learn how to use these techniques, you will have a great chance of getting a job.
The demand for data structure and algorithm professionals is high.
Reason #3:
If you learn how to use data structures and algorithms, it will make your life easier.
You will be able to solve many problems using this knowledge.
Reason #4:
Programming with data structures and algorithms is fun.
Data structures and algorithms make programming interesting. It keeps you engaged throughout the day.
Reason #5:
Data structures and algorithms are often used in research.
Understanding data structures and algorithms is important in research. Moreover, it is an integral part of the field of computer science.
This is an important skill for the present and future.
The IT industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years. This means that there will be a lot of demand for programmers who are proficient with data structures and algorithms.
Reason #7:
Many companies are interested in hiring data structure and algorithm experts.
Companies hire data structure and algorithm experts to help them design efficient software systems.
Reason #8:
Data structures and algorithms are used in many different fields.
Therefore, you will need to know them if you want to succeed in your career.
Reason #9:
Data structures and algorithms are very important in different areas of science.
These are used to solve problems in physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
Computer scientists use data structures and algorithms to design efficient software systems for their research projects.
Reason #10:
This is a subject that you can learn at your own pace.
You don't need to be a computer science expert to get good results in data structures and algorithms.
Reason #11:
You can learn this skill for free.
There are many online resources that provide a good introduction to data structures and algorithms. You can start with those resources and then move on to more advanced sources as you progress in your studies.
Reason #12:
The best way to master a new language is to master its data structures and algorithms.
Data structures and algorithms are the two pillars of programming.
They are the primary tools of a programmer. You have to master them completely to master a new programming language.
Reason #13:
Data structures and algorithms are not limited to a single programming language.
You can use them in any programming language.
They have a universal appeal because they work in all languages.
One of the things that I think is really cool about programming is that you can use it to solve pretty much any problem.
I'm not just talking about web development, but literally any problem.
Do you want to write a program that will help you be more productive? There's a data structure and algorithm for that.
Want to create a program that will help you find love?
There's a data structure and algorithm for that as well. π
Good programmers have the ability to solve problems.
Knowing how to solve problems is a skill that can't be taught.
The only way to learn to solve problems is to practice solving problems.
The best way to practice solving problems is to learn a data structure and an algorithm.
If you are interested in learning Data Structure and Algorithms with the examples in JavaScript.
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Good Luck
Top comments (2)
Can you also elaborate on the resources on where to learn?
π― Agree