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Programming with Shahan
Programming with Shahan

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How to write clean code

Why Write Clean Code? ⛩️

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Imagine if you tried to find something in a messy room—you'd waste time searching, right?

The same goes for messy code! It’s HARDER to find problems or understand what’s happening. With clean code, you can avoid that mess.

You know what?.. By writing clean code you will save other developers valuable time as well. Trust me... You are saving the world! 🦸

7 Tips for Writing Clean Code🧯

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1. Use Meaningful Names

When you create a variable or a function, give it a name that tells what it does.

Think of it like naming a folder on your computer. Instead of calling it b, call it numberOfUsers. This way, you don’t need extra comments to explain what b is.


let numberOfUsers = 5; // Clear and easy to understand
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2. Follow the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

A function should do one job and do it well.

This makes it easier to understand and fix if needed. It’s like having one tool for one task, like a pencil for writing and scissors for cutting.

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function addNumbers(a, b) {
    return a + b;
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This function only adds two numbers. It doesn’t do anything else.

3. Avoid Unnecessary Comments

Instead of adding comments everywhere, try to make your code self-explanatory by using good names.

Use comments only when something is tricky or needs a special note. Too many comments can confuse people. 😕🤬


// Good: Clear name, no extra comment needed
let userAge = 25; 

// Bad: Unclear name, needs a comment
let a; // age of the user
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4. Make Your Code Readable

Use spaces, indentation, and line breaks to keep your code neat.

Just like writing a paragraph, you should break your code into smaller pieces so it’s not all in one line.


// Good Code
if (isLoggedIn) {
} else {
    console.log("Please log in.");

// Bad Code
if(isLoggedIn){console.log("Welcome!");}else{console.log("Please log in.");}
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5. Write Unit Tests

Unit tests are check-ups for your code.

They make sure that everything works as it should. When you change your code, these tests will tell you if something breaks.


function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

// Test
console.assert(add(2, 3) === 5, 'Test failed: 2 + 3 should be 5');
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6. Be Careful with Dependencies

When you build software, try to keep things separate so they don’t rely too much on each other.

For example, a dishwasher can be in any kitchen, not just one specific kitchen. It’s easier to manage that way.

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7. Organize Your Project

Keep your files and folders organized, just like keeping your desk clean. This makes it easier to find things when your project grows bigger.

Image of writing clean code by codewithshahan


  • Use folders like components, services, and utils in your project.
  • Keep similar files together so you know where to look for them.

✅ Recommendation

Use this Printable Backend Developer Notion Template to Track Your Progress! 🔥

Beginner developers often struggle with choosing the right tech stack which leads them to wasted time and motivation loss.

Thus, I created a beautifully design, very easy to follow 6-month backend developer roadmap in Notion so that you can track your progress and stick with your goals easily!

Image of backend developer roadmap

This roadmap:

  • 🛤️ Provides a clear path to avoid confusion.
  • 🎯 Helps you stay motivated by outlining where to start and end.
  • 📚 Follows a structured plan, similar to a school syllabus.
  • 📅 Organizes your learning with weekly goals for tools and languages.
  • ⏳ Ensures completion in 6 months, covering everything you need.
  • 👀 Features a beautiful design for easy navigation.

order backend development roadmap

Conclusion 🏁

Writing clean code is like building a strong foundation for a house. It keeps everything in order, making it easy to add new things or fix issues without much trouble.

Follow these 7 tips to make your code simple, readable, and easy to work with!

Read more: skills to become a backend developer in 6 months (roadmap)

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