Hey there! I am thrilled to share my new project LexioJS,
A simple lightweight library,which allows you to perform NLP tasks,such as:
- tokenization
- stop word removal
- stemming
- lemmatization
- sentiment analysis
LexioJS is a very fast,simple & lightweight(~7.60 kb minified) NLP library,which allows you to perform all the basic NLP tasks.
- tokenization
- stop word removal
- stemming
- lemmatization
- sentiment analysis
getting started with LexioJS
Including LexioJS in your project using a CDN:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SomnathDevPro/LexioJS@main/src/lexio.min.js"></script>
You can refer to LexioJS docs for tutorials:
GitHub repository
Use cases
- Text Preprocessing
- Sentiment Analysis
- developing small ChatBots & virtual assistants
Drawbacks & Limitations
Although I've tried to build a comprehensive library,it has some limitations:
- limited features: I have provided basic functionalities for NLP tasks,but it's important to note,that it lacks some other complex features such as POS tagging,dependency Parsing & ML integration.
-Currently Lexio only supports English language processing.
-sentiment analysis model may struggle with sarcasm & nuanced text.
I plan to address these limitations in future updates.
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