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Brian Pavicic
Brian Pavicic

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Security Smoke Tests = Improved Peace of Mind

While coding, it's never been easier to locate and squash security flaws and have greater peace of mind.

The emergence of simple, reliable, and far more efficient tools and services is unlocking the ability of developers and coders to be more security-minded, allowing them to test the Security of their work whenever they want.

A few well worthy of consideration include:

True Inspect by True Positives, LLC.

Brand new managed AppSec hybrid service that is FREE to use and offers reliable dynamic application security testing (DAST) on demand. An optional low-cost upgrade offers Users a more detailed analysis. With it you get the same tools and services as the big dogs, at a price, you can afford.

OWASP Penetration Testing Kit by True Positives, LLC.

A free, open-source browser plug-in for security and development that allows security testing to occur more thoroughly and effortlessly by having a bevy of apt and powerful utilities wrapped in and negating the need to configure a third-party tool or worry about connectivity and proxy issues.

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