DEV Community

Discussion on: Mistakes I made in my 20s as a Software Developer.

codereviewpad profile image

It's crazy how much the first job can influence a the career of a developers. A nice company can make turn a "not-so-good" developer into an excellent professional, and at the same time we've seen so many "high-potential" junior devs being burned at sunken into toxic projects for a great part of the beginning of their career, which some never recover from. It's almost criminal.

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

That's why don't rush into your Job, Build the skills & progress...

mikeyglitz profile image

The difficulty is that sometimes it's not so obvious that a workplace is toxic during the interview. Additionally, I would argue that it takes some experience of what you don't like in order to have a better picture of what works for you. As a junior dev, you're a blank slate. Sometimes you get a gut feeling to avoid a place -- always listen to your gut. Other times, it's not so cut and dry and you need to experience something before whether deciding it's what you want or not.
Even bad experiences can lead to learning and growth.