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Hibernate Part 1

From the today's post we are going to talk about the ORM and Hibernate.

What is ORM?

ORM is Standing for Object Relational Mapping. We are using this to reduce the gap between the Relational Databases and Objects we are creating on the Object Oriented Programming language.

What is JPA

JPA Commonly known as Java Persistence API which is Java Specification for ORM Frameworks. It provide high level API for managing relational data, simplifying the task of persisting Java Objects to Database.

What is Hibernate

Hibernate is ORM mapping tool for Java Language. It provides a framework for mapping an Object Oriented Domain model to relational database.

What is the difference between JPA and Hibernate?

JPA is responsible in managing relational databases in Java Applications, while Hibernate is an ORM tool used for saving the state of the Java Object in the database

What is RDBMS?

A program which is used to Create, Update and manage relational databases. Most well known RDBMSs are MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL ...etc

What is the difference between RDBMS and Hibernate?

RDBMS is a software that is used to manage relational databases, while Hibernate is an ORM framework that provides layer of abstraction on top of RDBMS. Hibernate is managing data persistence and mapping between Java objects and relational databases. Hibernate is using RDBMS as its underlying data stores, but it provides additional features to make work with databases more conveniently.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hibernate?


  • Database independent - We can use any database.
  • Open source
  • Better than JDBC
  • It allows inheritance and polymorphism
  • Have caching mechanism
  • Developer friendly


  • Hard to debug
  • Have to study lots of API
  • Slower than JDBC
  • Not suitable for Small projects

This is the end of part one on the Hibernate Series. Let's continue others FAQ on the other posts

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