while compiling in remix i get the above error:
CompilerError: Stack too deep, try removing local variables.
(uint256 rAmount, uint256 rTransferAmount, uint256 rFee) = _getRValues(tAmount, tFee, tLiquidity, tCharity, tMarketing, _getRate());
here is the code part
function _getValues(uint256 tAmount) private view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) {
`(uint256 tTransferAmount, uint256 tFee, uint256 tLiquidity, uint256 tCharity , uint256 tMarketing) = _getTValues(tAmount);`
`(uint256 rAmount, uint256 rTransferAmount, uint256 rFee) = _getRValues(tAmount, tFee, tLiquidity, tCharity, tMarketing, _getRate());`
`return (rAmount, rTransferAmount, rFee, tTransferAmount, tFee, tLiquidity, tCharity, tMarketing);
} `
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