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TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native

If you’re reading this, you’re probably encountering the TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native. This error message can be frustrating, especially when you’re not sure what it means or how to fix it.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what the TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native error means, why it happens, and how you can solve it. We will explore a few different solutions that have worked for other developers and may help you too.

What Is The TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native Error?

To understand the TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native error, we need to break down the different parts of the error message.

There are two essential elements in the error message:

  • TypeError: This means that we have a problem with a data type or value.

  • cli.init is not a function: This is the specific error message that is causing the problem.

The error message is telling us that the cli.init function is not available, which is causing our code to fail. The cli.init function is a part of React Native, and it is essential for initializing your project.

Why Does The TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native Error Occur?

The TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native error can occur due to several reasons. Some of the most common include:

1. Version Conflicts

React Native is continually being updated, and sometimes the different versions may conflict with one another. When this happens, the cli.init function may not be available, leading to the error message.

2. Improper Installation

If the React Native installation wasn’t done correctly, there might be missing dependencies, leading to the cli.init function is not available error.

3. Issues With React Native CLI

The React Native CLI is responsible for many commands that control projects. If there is an issue with the CLI, it can lead to the cli.init error message.

How To Solve The TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native Error

Now that we understand what the TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native error means and why it occurs let's get into how we can solve it.

Here are some solutions we’ve found to be successful in resolving the error:

Solution 1: Update The React Native CLI

The first solution that you can try when you get this error message is to update the React Native CLI. Outdated versions of the CLI can have compatibility issues with the current version of React Native and can result in the cli.init error message.

To update the React Native CLI, follow these steps:

  1. Open up your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Run the command: npm install -g react-native-cli.

This will update the React Native CLI and hopefully resolve the error message.

Once the update has been completed, restart your terminal or command prompt and try running your project again.

Solution 2: Update or Reinstall React Native

If updating the CLI didn’t work, the next solution is to update or reinstall React Native. This should resolve any version conflicts that were causing the cli.init error message.

To update React Native, follow these steps:

  1. Open up your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Go to your React Native project directory.

  3. Run the command: npm install react-native@latest.

This will update React Native to the latest version.

If updating React Native didn’t resolve the issue, try reinstalling it.

To reinstall React Native, follow these steps:

  1. Open up your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Run the command: npm uninstall react-native.

  3. Afterwards run: npm install react-native.

Once the reinstallation process is completed, restart your terminal or command prompt and try running your project again.

Solution 3: Use a Different Package Manager

If updating or reinstalling React Native didn’t work, the next solution is to use a different package manager. Some developers have found success with this solution, using package managers such as yarn or pnpm.

To use a different package manager, follow these steps:

  1. Install yarn or pnpm.

  2. Use the package manager to install React Native.

  3. Try running your project again.

Solution 4: Use Expo

If none of the above solutions have resolved the issue, you can try using Expo instead of React Native.

Expo is a framework that simplifies the development process by allowing you to build React Native apps without having to install or configure Xcode, Android Studio, or any other tools. Using Expo can help you avoid the cli.init error message altogether.

To use Expo, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Expo CLI by running the command: npm install -g expo-cli.

  2. Create a new project by running the command: expo init myproject.

  3. Start the development server by running the command: expo start.

Using Expo to build your React Native app is an excellent solution if you’re having trouble with the traditional React Native setup process.


The TypeError: cli.init is not a function in React Native error message can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be a roadblock to your project’s development. There are different solutions that you can try to resolve the issue, such as updating the React Native CLI, updating or reinstalling React Native, using a different package manager such as yarn or pnpm, or using Expo.

Hopefully, this post has helped you understand what the error message means and how you can resolve it. Do you have any other solutions that have worked for you? Let us know in the comments!

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