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React Router 6: Redirect

Are you tired of manually redirecting users to different pages in your React application? Fear not because React Router 6 comes with an easy solution for you. Let's dive into Redirect and how it can simplify your application's routing.

What is Redirect in React Router 6?

In React Router 6, Redirect is a component that enables declarative redirection to different routes within your application. It is useful when you want to redirect users based on certain conditions, such as authentication, authorization, or invalid URLs.

How to use Redirect in React Router 6

To use Redirect, you first need to import it from the react-router-dom package:

import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
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Once you have imported Redirect, you can use it in your JSX to redirect users to a different route. The syntax for Redirect is as follows:

<Redirect to='/new-route' />
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Here, to is a required prop, and it specifies the route that the user should be redirected to. In the example above, any user who reaches the component that contains the Redirect component will be redirected to the /new-route route.

You can also provide some additional props to Redirect to customize the redirection process. Let's take a look at some of the most common ones:


The from prop is useful when you want to redirect users from a specific route. For example, if you have a login route that users should not be able to access once they are logged in, you can use from to redirect them to a dashboard page:

<Redirect from='/login' to='/dashboard' />
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Here, any user who tries to access the /login route will be redirected to the /dashboard route.


By default, Redirect will match any route that starts with the specified to or from prop. For example, if you have a Redirect component like this:

<Redirect to='/new-route' />
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And the user is currently on the route /old-route, they will be redirected to /new-route. However, if you want to ensure that the user is only redirected if they are on an exact match, you can use the exact prop:

<Redirect exact to='/new-route' />
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In this case, the user will only be redirected if they are on the exact route /old-route.


The push prop is useful when you want to add a new entry to the browser's history stack when the redirection occurs. This means that the user can use the browser's back button to go back to the previous page. By default, Redirect will replace the current entry in the history stack.

Here's an example of using push:

<Redirect push to='/new-route' />
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Now, when the user is redirected to /new-route, a new entry will be added to the browser's history stack, allowing them to go back to the previous page if they want to.

Passing State to Redirect

Another useful feature of Redirect is the ability to pass state to the new route. This is possible using the state prop:

    pathname: '/new-route',
    state: { someData: 'hello world' }
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Here, we are passing an object as the to prop instead of a string. This object contains two properties: pathname specifies the route we want to redirect to, and state is an object that can contain any data we want to pass to the new route.

In this case, we are passing a simple string ('hello world') as the value of the someData property. You can pass any data you want, including complex objects or arrays.

To access the state data in the new route, you can use the useLocation hook:

import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';

function NewRoute() {
  const location = useLocation();
  const someData = location.state.someData;

  return <div>{someData}</div>;
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In this example, we are importing the useLocation hook from react-router-dom. We then use this hook to access the location object, which contains the state data passed from the previous route. We can then access the someData property and render it in the component.


Redirect is a powerful tool in React Router 6 that can simplify the process of redirecting users to different routes in your application. By using it, you can declaratively redirect users based on certain conditions, such as authentication, authorization, or invalid URLs. You can also customize the redirection process using the from, exact, and push props, and pass state data to the new route using the state prop.

Give it a try and see how it can simplify your application's routing!

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