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Code Of Accuracy
Code Of Accuracy

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The DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) is a software development principle that emphasizes the importance of avoiding code duplication. The idea behind DRY is to write code that is reusable, easy to maintain, and less prone to errors.

The DRY principle is often referred to as the "single source of truth" principle. This means that any piece of information, such as a variable or a function, should have one and only one representation in the codebase. This avoids inconsistencies and reduces the risk of bugs.

Why is DRY important?

DRY is important for several reasons:

  1. Code maintenance: Repeated code makes the codebase harder to maintain. If a bug is found in one instance of the code, it may need to be fixed in multiple places, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

  2. Code readability: Repeated code can make the codebase harder to read and understand. This can make it more difficult for other developers to contribute to the codebase or to understand how the code works.

  3. Code reuse: DRY code is more reusable than repeated code. If a piece of code is used in multiple places, it is easier to make changes to that code without affecting other parts of the codebase.

How to apply DRY in practice?

Here are some ways to apply DRY in practice:

  1. Identify repeated code: Look for instances where the same code appears multiple times in the codebase. These instances may be functions, variables, or even entire blocks of code.

  2. Extract common code into functions: Once you have identified repeated code, extract it into a function that can be called from multiple places in the codebase. This reduces the amount of duplicated code and makes it easier to maintain.

  3. Use inheritance and polymorphism: If you have multiple classes that share similar functionality, use inheritance and polymorphism to reduce duplication. This allows you to define a base class with common functionality that can be inherited by other classes.

  4. Use templates and generics: If you have multiple functions or classes that perform similar operations on different types of data, use templates and generics to reduce duplication. This allows you to define a generic function or class that can be used with different types of data.

  5. Eliminate copy-paste code: Avoid copying and pasting code. If you find yourself copying and pasting code, consider extracting the common code into a function instead.


DRY is an important principle in software development that emphasizes the importance of avoiding code duplication. By following the DRY principle, you can write code that is easier to maintain, more readable, and less prone to errors. So, always keep DRY in mind when writing your code.

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