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Laravel Job/Queue

Laravel provides a powerful job and queue system that allows you to execute time-consuming tasks asynchronously in the background, freeing up your application to handle other requests. Jobs represent individual units of work that can be executed independently, and queues are used to organize and prioritize jobs.

Here are the basic steps involved in using Laravel's job and queue system:

Step 1: Create a Job
To create a job in Laravel, you can use the php artisan make:job command. This will create a new PHP class file in the app/Jobs directory, which represents the job.

php artisan make:job SendEmailJob
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You can then define the handle method in the job class, which contains the logic for the job. This method is executed when the job is dispatched and processed by the queue worker.

public function handle()
    // Send email logic here
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Step 2: Dispatch the Job
To dispatch a job in Laravel, you can use the dispatch function. This function takes a job instance as its argument and adds the job to the queue.

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You can also chain additional methods to the dispatch function to configure the job, such as specifying a delay or a specific queue to use.

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Step 3: Process the Queue
To process the queue in Laravel, you need to start the queue worker using the php artisan queue:work command. This command starts a long-running PHP process that continuously polls the queue for new jobs to process.

php artisan queue:work
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The queue worker executes each job by calling its handle method, and then marks the job as completed. If an error occurs while processing a job, the worker will retry the job a certain number of times before moving it to the failed job queue.


Laravel's job and queue system is a powerful feature that can greatly improve the performance and scalability of your applications. By executing time-consuming tasks asynchronously in the background, your application can handle more requests and respond more quickly to users. With just a few simple steps, you can create, dispatch, process, and monitor jobs in Laravel.

_Github : Practical for Job/Queue : _

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