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Michael Tharrington Subscriber for CodeNewbie

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What you learning about this weekend?

Hey y'all!

What ya learning on this weekend?

Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice πŸ˜‰, sprucing up your portfolio, or writing a new post here on DEV, we'd like to hear about it.

Wishing ya the best on your work... remember to take breaks and enjoy yourself!

A cute little gerbil dressed as a human, frantically looks up from it's miniature pencil and pad of paper

Top comments (8)

ajeasmith profile image

Currently building a coding snippet web app with nextjs. First time ever using nextjs (I know, I’m late lol) it’s going pretty good so farπŸ‘Œ, had to incorporate some project management skills for a smoother development.

P.s never underestimate project management lol

willyvaessen profile image
Willy Vaessen

I'm practicing with changing elements on a website, through JavaScript.
My Colored Boxes page shows what I have working so far:

  • Clicking/tapping a box toggles its color between Red and Blue
  • Every click/tap increments the attempts counter with 1

What I'm trying to achieve now, is to check if all boxes have the Red color and if that is the case, the "game" is finished.

Once I have that working, I want to see if I can adjust it to a different amount of boxes, instead of the hard-coded 16 I have now.

overflow profile image

I once did regex somewhen in 2021 and now all the routes on FreeCodeCamp have lead me back to the lessons of it once. its a nice refresher and another notch in the belt. Another one of those things I need to comprehend and have fun with. One of those things that will lead me to completing my JS journey before I start with React; If my hardwares will allow or its Python again. while doing codewars.

I am frustrated that I would like to do Hacktober10, but im struglling to find any repo that has a semblance of what looks like vannilla js or css and or html since it is all i understand at the moment.

And then in all the folders with funny extensions where do I begin?
I want to do open source soo much and I can imagine I am not the only one but then entrance is locked.

_eduard26 profile image
Eduard Constantin

I learned about husky 🐢
Not the dog breed, the tool :))

nerajno profile image
Nerando Johnson
  • Writing my talks for @Magonliajs 2023 and ConnectTech 2023
  • Reviewing notes for AZ-900 and Java notes
  • AOB
jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

PyGotham is streaming PyGothamTV today. Many Talk are presented as TV shows. Current one is a news anchor talking about LLM.

azet profile image
ali zaenal abidin

I learn much about Laravel and PHP, because I want to add my new tech stack on web dev after nextjs and React app.