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Discussion on: Stealing Isn't "Sharing"

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

I absolutely agree, and great example with hotels. IP protection itself cannot be extortion, because the individual is by no means required to use the intellectual property. They can always go and make their own.

But, yes, IP protection can sometimes be used in questionable ways. That's why I support the Electronic Frontier Foundation; they fight against copyright abuse, while advocating the system's continued improvement (not repeal). Copyright isn't the problem, copyright abuse is.

Without copyright, no one can ever make a living off of their intellectual property. Without copyright, no creator rights can be legally preserved, meaning that every Open Source and Free Software license loses all of its power and viability. Without copyright, Creative Commons cannot exist. A world without copyright would be like a world where no one can "own" anything...someone could steal everything out of your house while you're away, and get away with it. (And last I checked, the Marxist model failed dramatically.)

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serbuvlad profile image
Șerbu Vlad Gabriel

Without copyright, no one can ever make a living off of their intellectual property.

Linus Torvalds seems to be making money off of Linux, and would probably continue to do so if it were licensed under a Toybox License.

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byrro profile image
Renato Byrro

When Metallica cracked down on music piracy, it looked very bad for them. Especially after Radiohead started to make their songs available for free download.

But it would be unfair to start labeling Metallica musicians as people who practice 'extortion'. That's just absurd in my opinion... I think that line of thought will lead to the destruction of all economic order, from which every one of us benefits from.

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v6 profile image
🦄N B🛡

Perhaps one thing that makes people have a negative view of IP protection is that sometimes it's used in questionable ways to protect questionable economic power.

Mr. Byrro, you have a British talent for understatement.

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