DEV Community

Discussion on: How to fix your Java learning: a story of one tutor

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Already a member of CodinGame and Hackerrank (not listed here), but I just joined Codewars! Thanks for the recommendation.

selawsky profile image
John Selawsky

Thank you!

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

...........and, just quit. While working on a fairly simple puzzle, I found a definitive problem with one of the challenges, but when I reported the issue, I got StackOverflow'd: downvoted, blamed for the problem despite proving the test to be the issue. So, it's that sort of community. :(

I'll stick to CodinGame and Hackerrank, I guess.

selawsky profile image
John Selawsky

It's like Reddit :( Redditors could also be passive aggressive sometimes(