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What kind of reasons one might have to become a Freelancer?

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As freelancing becomes more popular every year, individuals embrace it.

More than a third of people have taken up freelancing in recent years.

If you question yourself why freelancing is the future? Or why should we choose freelancing as a career option?

Or think people adopt it out of necessity; you may be partially wrong. Instead, people are welcoming the freelance culture as a lifestyle.

Here are some stats that highlight the benefits of freelancing:

  • 36% of freelancers make freelancing their full-time job.

  • Freelancers contribute around 1.4 trillion dollars to the US economy, accounting for 5% of overall GDP.

  • According to a report from Upwork, the bulk of the US economy will be freelancing by 2027.

  • Google's workforce comprises 54% freelancers and only 46% full-time employees.

Whether you're considering freelancing as a side gig, part-time job, or full-time job, you're at the right place.

This article covers 11 good reasons to start your freelance career whether as a freelance developer or freelance technical expert.

Top Reasons To Start Your Freelance Career

There are hands down hundreds of reasons to choose freelancing as a career option. But don’t mistake freelancing as an always remote working option.

However, we don't want to overwhelm you.

We've listed 11 handpicked [tried and tested ;)] reasons for you.

Skim through or closely analyze them—the choice is all yours!

1. Choose Your Clients
One of the first reasons to freelance is the privilege to choose your clients, clients who respect your time and work—and not someone who keeps throwing their tantrums.

You will come across many clients in your full-time office job that is insanely fussy, and you can't ignore but help them.

It's not the case with freelancing.

It gives you the liberty to choose your clients.

You can also put forward your conditions to avoid future discrepancies in freelancing.

‍2. Do What You Love

Everyone loves to do what they love.

Freelancing allows you to follow your passion, writing, cooking, digital marketing, etc.

When you do what you love, your customers will appreciate your work.

‍3. Dynamism

Do you know the last name of freelancing?

It's Dynamism!

By the time a full-fledged company thinks of starting a business, a freelancer might already have started working on it.

They have contacted the other freelancers with different backgrounds to join the team.

Moreover, freelancers are accustomed to receiving blows.

When the contract term expires or, for some reason, the business does not work out; they can try something completely new and different the next day.

4. Flexible Working Hours

With the fast pace of modern life, it's hard to balance work life and family life.

Wouldn't it be great if the working hours were more flexible?

Freelancing gives you the liberty to work at any time of the day—whether it's early morning or late at night.

So if guests come over uninvited or have a party to host, you can manage it all with freelancing.

Customer satisfaction is a great feeling.

You can tell they enjoy working with you when they come back from time to time for more work.

5. Freedom
One of the benefits of freelancing is that you have far more freedom than working for someone else.

You can choose your clients, rates, place of work, and time at your convenience.

You can also reject a request from a client if the job is demanding and does not reward you well. Therefore, you are not obligated to take on any assignments you are not interested in.

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