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Lin Dane
Lin Dane

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Unlocking the Power of App Intents: Prepare Your App for the AI Revolution

The whispers in the tech world are getting louder: AI is poised to become a central player in the iOS ecosystem. As developers, we're always looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve, and App Intents might just be the key to unlocking the potential of this AI revolution. While often overlooked, App Intents offer a powerful way to expose our app's functionality to the broader operating system, including Siri, Spotlight, and Widgets.

Imagine a future where users can seamlessly interact with your app through natural language commands, effortlessly completing tasks without even opening the app. This is the promise of App Intents, and with the rise of AI, their importance is only set to grow.

Why App Intents Matter in an AI-Driven World

App Intents act as a bridge between your app and the system's intelligence, allowing Siri to understand and execute actions on behalf of the user. By defining clear intents and parameters, you empower Siri to perform tasks such as adding items to a shopping list, starting a workout, or sending a message, all through voice commands or automated shortcuts.

With Apple's increasing focus on AI, it's likely that Siri will become even more integrated into our daily lives. This means that apps that leverage App Intents will have a significant advantage, offering users a frictionless and intuitive experience.

A Practical Example: Building a Feature Wishlist with App Intents

Let's dive into a real-world example to see how App Intents work in practice. We'll create a simple app called "Features," which allows users to maintain a wishlist of features for Apple platforms. Using SwiftData and SwiftUI, we'll implement an App Intent that enables users to add new features to their wishlist using Siri.

Step 1: Defining the Data Models

First, we define our data models: Feature and Platform. A Feature has a title, description, and a corresponding Platform. The Platform is an enum representing various Apple platforms.

import SwiftUI
import SwiftData

// MARK: - Feature

class Feature {
    var id: UUID = UUID()
    var title: String = ""
    var featureDescription: String = ""
    var platform: Platform = .iphone

        title: String,
        featureDescription: String,
        platform: Platform
    ) { = UUID()
        self.title = title
        self.featureDescription = featureDescription
        self.platform = platform
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To enable Siri to understand our Platform model, we make it conform to the AppEnum protocol. This involves providing display representations for both the type and its cases.

import SwiftUI
import AppIntents

// MARK: - Platform

enum Platform: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Codable, AppEnum {
    case allPlatforms = "All Platforms"
    case iphone = "iPhone"
    case ipad = "iPad"
    case applewatch = "Apple Watch"
    case visionPro = "Vision Pro"
    case mac = "Mac"
    case appletv = "Apple TV"

    var id: Self {
        return self

    // ... (icon code omitted for brevity)

    static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(stringLiteral: "Platform")

    static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [Platform: DisplayRepresentation] = [
        .allPlatforms: "All Platforms",
        .iphone: "iPhone",
        .ipad: "iPad",
        .applewatch: "Apple Watch",
        .visionPro: "Vision Pro",
        .mac: "Mac",
        .appletv: "Apple TV"
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Step 2: Managing Features with FeatureManager

Next, we create a FeatureManager class to handle the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of Feature objects.

import SwiftUI
import SwiftData

// MARK: - Feature Manager

class FeatureManager: ObservableObject {
    // ... (Properties and Init code omitted for brevity)

    func addFeature(title: String, description: String, platform: Platform) {
        withAnimation {
            let feature = Feature(
                title: title,
                featureDescription: description,
                platform: platform

    // ... (deleteFeature code omitted for brevity)
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Step 3: Creating the App Intent

Now, we define the CreateFeature App Intent, which allows users to add new features to their wishlist through Siri. We specify the intent's title, parameters, a summary of its action, and the code to perform when invoked.

import SwiftUI
import AppIntents

// MARK: - Create Feature App Intent

struct CreateFeature: AppIntent {
    // ... (Properties code omitted for brevity)

    @Parameter(title: "Platform", requestValueDialog: "Where would you like to see this feature?")
    var platform: Platform

    @Parameter(title: "Title", requestValueDialog: "What's the title of the feature?")
    var title: String

    @Parameter(title: "Description", requestValueDialog: "What's the description of the feature?")
    var description: String

    // ... (Summary code omitted for brevity)

    func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<String> {
            title: title,
            description: description,
            platform: platform
        return .result(value: "New Feature for \(platform.rawValue)\n\n\(title):\n\(description)")
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Step 4: Exposing the App Intent to Siri

Finally, we expose our CreateFeature App Intent to Siri through an AppShortcutsProvider. This involves defining an App Shortcut that links to our intent and providing phrases that users can say to trigger it.

import Foundation
import AppIntents

// MARK: - App Shortcuts

struct AppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {
    static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
            intent: CreateFeature(),
            phrases: ["Make a New \(.applicationName)"],
            shortTitle: LocalizedStringResource(stringLiteral: "New Feature"),
            systemImageName: "apple.logo"
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Key Takeaways

  • App Intents are crucial for integrating your app with system functionalities like Siri, Spotlight, and Widgets.
  • As AI becomes more prevalent in iOS, App Intents will play an even greater role in enhancing user experience.
  • By defining clear intents and parameters, you enable Siri to understand and execute actions within your app.
  • Investing time in learning and implementing App Intents can significantly improve your app's discoverability and user engagement.

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