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Leaving the library...

Things I've worked on/completed since my last post...

I completed the Library project!

Just in in relation to this project, if anyone would like to view it, please note the following:

  • It was designed in Linux, so may not ‘look right’ in Windows (designing for responsiveness was not a requirements in this project)
  • After completing the project and pushing to Guthub pages, I saw that it looked much smaller than it had on my screen. Why? Because I had my screen zoomed to 125% while designing without realising. I was advised by a fellow Odinite that it was not worth my time going back to change this, so if you do want to take a look, it might best best to zoom to 125%(!)

I started the theory on factory functions, closures and the module pattern

Things that went well...

  • I really enjoyed this project, even though I got stuck on a few things
  • I found that I did not have many problems remembering certain things learnt previously, which I needed to use in this project e.g. grid to deal with layout and forms
  • Previously, when clicking on the button to make the form appear, everything was jumping to the right and I could not figure out why (I tried using dev tools). Through some googling, I figured out that the fix for this was to set the position of the ‘jumping container’ to absolute. I had forgotten about positioning to be perfectly honest, but was pleased to see that I could find the answer after looking.
  • After submitting the project, it was pointed out to me that there was an error with the read buttons reflecting the correct colour when added initially. I was worried that I would spend a lot more time fixing this, but was pleased to be able to fix it relatively quickly by adding an ‘if statement’ to my code

In terms of the theory covered after the library project…

  • I found that I was following new material more easily. Don’t get me wrong, it can still be tiring and require re-reading, but it’s not as daunting as before
  • When it came to reading about closures, factory functions and modular functions, although I still don’t feel like I fully ‘get’ everything, I found video tutorials especially helpful. Also, just listening to how different people explain the same idea.

Things that didn't go quite so well...

  • I could not figure out a problem I had with a toggle function, which ended up being down to a mix-up between equality and assignment operators. I have come across this problem before, but maybe I did not pick it up as I had not done anything with JS for a while (that’s how I am justifyring it anyway)
  • I found myself accidentally using camelCase for IDs/classes in some places
  • I think I was using IDs uneccesarily at time (where they served no purpose)
  • (Still) not git committing at meaningful times (I attribute this to being too keen to just getting the project done)
  • Sometimes feeling like I am on autopilot (‘how did I do that?’ moments). Not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but even if I sometimes feels slightly unconscious of how I figured something out, if I figured it out in the end, I must be understanding something (or at least that is how I see it)
  • Designing on a zoomed page!
  • My sleep could have been better on a couple of days this week, which meant I was very tired trying to read some of the theory when I started it. This definitely affected my productivity. In the end, I took naps to try to get at least something done
  • Even though I enjoyed reading about factory functions, closures and modular JS, there was a lot of informaion and I felt myself getting tired quickly after starting to read. I tired ot break it up by watching some You Tube tutorials also, which helped
  • I am having to ‘let go’ of trying to understand everything perfectly before moving on as that is never going to happen. I plan to move forward when this happens and just to try to supplement gaps in my understanding as and when they arise (e.g. when they are causing me a problem while trying to do projects)

Things I've learnt/need to improve on...

  • I had doubts that i understood what was going on in the loop in my code at all times. I currently have to tendency to ‘leave it’ if it works and not investigate further, though I may need to get out of this habit a little
  • I should probably test my projects a little more before submitting them. Sometimes I am rushing to submit them and neglect to test them enough.
  • I need to be more aware of other parts of my code that might need updating if I make a change (e.g. I updated the innerText of my ‘readStatus’ button in my code and forgot (initially) to udpate the book object to reflect this change
  • Reading about how variables can be accessed outside of functions by assigning a new variable to a function call outside of the function e.g. let x = callFunction() (a way to ‘get around’ not being able to access variables from outside functions, or so I think!)

Plan for the forthcoming week...

I will start the Tic Tac Toe project tomorrow (Yay! No, really. Yay!).

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