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Dashing to the dashboard!

Things I've worked on/completed since my last post..

  • I completed the Admin Dashboard(!).

  • Please note that the project has not been adjusted for responsiveness (not required at this point of the course) and may look different at different resolutions/on systems other than Linux.

  • On my system, it meets the requirements of the project and looks correct.


Image description

Things that went well...

  • Firstly, I really enjoyed this project!
  • I believe I am now better able to visualise the layout structure and what is needed in advance
  • I’ve improved at using selectors. I am still no expert, but I find myself doing some things more automatically and without having to revise them
  • I find that things are coming to me faster and/or that I am recalling things I have previously learnt (using z-index, applying box-shadow in the right way). Sure, they may be simply examples, but this shows me that I am improving somewhat, which is very encouraging.
  • My focus is improving when working in projects
  • I think my judgement in terms of whether I should spend more time over something or not (whether it is worth it), is improving (rather than asking others ‘do you think I should spend more time on this?’)
  • I am asking for much less help from other devs when trying to solve problems (though I may eat my words when I move onto the Javascript section!)
  • My understanding or how changing certain elements impacts other elements has definitely improved compared to earlier in my journey
  • I am continuing to use color variables and will continue to do so
  • Not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but on maybe one (max two) occasions, if something looked a ittle off (by say a pixel or two), i would just create a class and maybe adjust that one element using that class. This may be a bit ‘hacky’, but for the level I am at, I thought it was appropriate. I am sure I could have solved the problem by rearraning bigger elements, but it did not seem worth it
  • I am continuing to order my CSS in roughly the same order as the HTML, which seems logical at the moment (maybe this will change in the future if I come across more efficient ways to organise things)

    Things that didn't go quite so well...

  • I need to develop a better understanding of how to manipulate SVGs and their sizes. I was advised not to change viewbox settings (which I need to look into more) and to just change the heght in the CSS, which enabled me to make the SVGs to appear as I wanted them to

  • I am forgetting to make git commits at appropriate times

  • I had a ‘problem’ importing fonts, which was due to an incorect path name(!). Lesson learny - hopefully.

  • Although I think my classnames were okay, some were too long and others, too similar to each other

Things I've learnt/need to improve on...

  • Manipulating the width (height) of a border-bottom is not easy(if even possible) and horizontal rule was a much better option (for me)
  • I mistook empty space in grid cells for margin on a couple of occasions, but I will be aware of this next time.
  • SVG height should be changed with CSS and not in the SVG code itself (not until I understand viewbox better at least
  • I made the silly mistake of including colour names themselves in some colour variables (e.g. —sidebarGreen). This obviously became a problem when I changed the colour to blue. Something to bear in mind in the future.
  • I need to become better at making git commits. I think this is because I am becoming absorbed in how to actually just get something put together and by the time I commit, there is little to no relationship between the changes I have made. Maybe if I work section-by-section a bit more, I can improve this.

Plan for the forthcoming week...

I am thrilled to be starting on the Javascript section. Yes, thrilled!

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