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Python vs C: Key Difference Between Both Programming Languages

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When someone starts their career in computer science or a similar sector. There is one common question that arises is what programming language to choose. Well, we all know that there are various programming languages. But, today we will discuss Python vs C.

Yes, these are two languages that are gaining interest among programmers. However, C was created before Python. And it got a lot of attention when it was first launched. But, Python is currently more popular than C. Therefore, to know both languages well, you should go through this blog.

In this blog, you will learn about Python vs C. We will cover all the important information regarding both programming languages. So let’s start with an overview of both languages.

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An Overview

The C programming language is structure-oriented. But Python is an object-oriented language. Python is a computer language with too many uses. However, C helps in creating hardware program code.

Moreover, Python uses an interpreter instead of a compiler. Also, it comes with several constructed library functions. Whereas, C contains just a few built-in functions.

Python is simple to learn and use. Whereas C requires more advanced programming skills.

Moving further in this battle of Python vs C. Let’s discuss both the languages in detail.


Python is a high-level, general-purpose interpreted language. Also, it is one of the most promising future languages. However, one of Python's most essential features is its indentation. Its goal is to make the code more readable.

Moreover, Python is compatible with a variety of programming paradigms. For example, Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Structured Programming, etc.

In addition, Python is a very user-friendly language. Many developers are increasingly using Python as their primary programming language due to its ease.

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C is a general-purpose programming language. It was built in order to produce Unix utilities. However, C helps in re-implementing the kernel of the Unix operating system. Also, helps in building a range of programs and portable systems.

Moreover, it has various features. For example, structured programming, lexical variable scope, recursion, etc.

Now, let’s discuss the various features of Python and C.

Python vs C: Key Features


The following are the various features of Python.

Python is an open-source programming language. Also, it is very basic, readable, and simple to learn.
It is not a compiled programming language.
Moreover, Python supports the Object-Oriented Programming Model.
Python is an easy to modify and use, platform-independent programming language.
StackOverflow and Meetup are two of the largest Python communities.


The following are the most important features of the C programming language:

C is a well-structured, easy-to-learn, and understands programming language.
It is a useful programming language. It is fast and has outstanding performance. Because it is a compiled language.
It has no connection to any hardware or system. C is a programming language that is both portable and flexible.
There are several built-in operators and function libraries in C.
C is a modular programming language. Also, it focuses on breaking down a program's functionality into independent, replaceable modules.

Furthermore, now let’s learn the key difference between both programming languages. Here we go.

The Key Difference Between Python And C

Developed by

Guido van Rossum creates the Python programming language. It was first released in 1991. In 1972, Dennis M. Ritchie designed the C language.

Programming Model

However, Python is an object-oriented programming language. But, the C programming language is based on procedural programming.

Types Of Language

It is another point of Python vs C. Python is a powerful programming language. It can translate Python code into machine language using an interpreter. On the other hand, C is a middle-level programming language. Because it bridges the gap between machines and high-level languages.

Interpretation and Compilation

Python is an interpreted programming language. Interpreters are the programs that go through the whole Python code. Moreover, it displays all of the code errors at once. On the other hand, C is a compiled programming language. Compilers are special programs that check each line of C code. Also, the software compilation ends immediately if any errors are identified on any line.


Python programs are interpreter-based. They are usually slower than C programs. But, C is faster than Python. Because it is a compiled language.


Another point of Python vs C is pointers. Python does not allow pointers. But, C supports pointers.

Functional Units

After all, Python is an object-oriented programming language. That is why objects comprise the majority of the functional units. Whereas, C is a procedural programming language. So, its most basic functional units are functions.


Python's memory management algorithms are more robust than C's. Whereas, C is a less robust programming language when compared to Python.


Python is a general-purpose programming language. And C helps in the development of hardware applications.

Type Of File extension helps in saving Python code. Whereas, The.c extension helps in storing C code.

Final Words

However, we have discussed Python vs C in the above blog. We have gone through all the essential information regarding both programming languages. So, we can say that several large software businesses use both programming languages. It would be best if you learn both languages.

However, students who want to make their career in the software industry. Python would be the best option for them. Python offers a lot of variety and versatility. Also, various data scientists use Python. Whereas, if you want to make your career in gaming engines, etc. C is the best option for them.

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