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Is this a €1.000,00 worth Node script?

Danijel Vincijanović on August 29, 2019

So the story begins with one of my favourite Youtube channels. A few days ago, they've published a new video announcing that they will soon reach t...
antontsvil profile image
Anton T

This is a tragic cautionary tale that's all too familiar. You THINK you know what the client wants, and then when you put all your heart and soul to build the perfect product you realize you completely misunderstood the requirements! The lesson is to remember to understand the problem completely before trying to solve it 😉

davinc profile image
Danijel Vincijanović

Totally agree! It's easy to get excited when you're building something for fun 😀

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

$1 is very cheap of them.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

The , and . are switched. They were offering 1,000 euros

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

I am having a bit of fun. I realize that in Europe countries denote thousands with a period instead of command.

protium profile image

Nice anecdote!
I remember long time ago, there was an online game to win a LG smart TV. I was really new in programming but really curious about it. So I found out that the game was made with Flash. I downloaded the .swf file and found a decompiler. Once I decompiled it I got all the answers. Then I made a small windows form app that simulated the keyboard. I started my app and then I started the game.

In the first run I was first with a score of 5 seconds (the rest of participants had at least 1 minute). Of course they removed the game. But I learned so many new things because of that 😀

hexrcs profile image
Xiaoru Li

Hahaha 🤣 I've made the same mistake of not reading (watching) the requirements carefully many times myself. My latest one is that I studied for a course this semester so hard but in the end, I wasn't able to sign up for the exam, because I skipped the second slide of the first lecture where they clearly said I had to have passed another exam as a prerequisite 😂

jimbolino profile image

I once "participated" in a photo contest where you could vote for the winner. The voting url didn't have CSRF protection and you could place your vote with a GET request.

I changed my avatar on all my forum accounts to a php script that redirected to that url on the first hit. Second hit it would show my normal avatar.

I got second place. Probably someone else figured out the same trick haha

cmelgarejo profile image
Christian Melgarejo • Edited

Hah! This one makes you think, and, listen to the client what they want first and always get feedback before starting to code. But yeah you got with something you can plug in to the YouTubers maybe? A chrome extension for them? 😁

mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel

Nice try buddy :))

tonnoz profile image

kudos for the post title, got me reading it! Also the script is somewhat useful.

asimdahall profile image
Asim Dahal

I laughed so hard at this. 😂