DEV Community

Discussion on: Doing my Best Work as an Engineer with ADHD

cmgustin profile image
Chris Gustin

Thanks for taking the time to write and share this, I've been through a very similar journey (diagnosed in 4th grade) and it helps just to know there are other people on the path. There's a lot of great advice here, and so much of what you said resonated with me since my brain works the same way.

I wanted to add a few things I've found helpful in my day-to-day life:

1. I'm obsessive about my calendar. Any date or time based obligation immediately goes in my calendar, because I know my brain won't remember it for me. I set alerts for events I'm likely to forget or will need a nudge to remember.
2. I love to-do lists. I keep a Trello board that maps out my week (Icebox, Today, This Week, Done) with cards for any big picture action items or smaller tasks that might get lost, and I have a whiteboard on my wall for tasks that need high visibility (Paying bills, Sending invoices).
3. Inbox labels are a lifesaver. I'm a freelancer so I have multiple clients, project management systems, communication systems, etc. all pouring into my inbox. Setting aside time to create labels and filters so messages get moved into the right buckets automatically has made it all much easier to manage, and helped me avoid missing important client emails that otherwise might have slipped through the cracks.
4. Set aside time to do the administrative work each week. Managing to-do lists, keeping a calendar, cleaning my inbox, making sure invoices are paid: it's not exactly exciting work, but investing time to not only do these things during the week, but do them well, pays huge dividends in terms of helping me keep my mind unburdened so I can focus when I need to. If I let these things slide, they pile up quickly and become overwhelming, which creates the feedback loop of dread and avoidance.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your experience!

xjamundx profile image
Jamund Ferguson

Really appreciate you responding with your own tips. These are all great!