Want to show the world your awesome portfolio and don't have the cash to get a custom domain and hosting?
GitHub has you covered!
- A GitHub account
- HTML and markdown knowledge or just have in mind you can visit https://www.w3schools.com/html/ and https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/
You got two ways to do this:
- Create a repository {your-username}.github.io
- Create a repository {your-username} and add a README.md file
Creating a markdown README.md file with your username
GitHub allows you to create a special repository with your username and adding a plain README.md markdown formatted file will setup a nice quick readme and frontend resume for your GitHub page such as https://github.com/cmelgarejo
Going with a {your-username}.github.io
Creating a repo {username}.github.io this is a good way to have a static site that it's fully customizable with CSS and javascript, styles and all the fancy animations or images portraying your portfolio
You have to create an index.html file and this will be served statically on the site.
You might be wondering about the CNAME file that's on the repo, so, you can additionally add a custom domain, you can do so within the settings of the repository:
And follow the instructions there, basically you will have to add a CNAME entry at your DNS configuration on the domain provider.
So these are the quickest ways to have a nice about page on the internet without having to spend a dime or make a great effort thanks to the usage of markdown
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