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HTML Interview Questions

In case you are into web development and need to have a vocation as a web engineer, then, at that point, HTML is the initial step to your objectives. Each web page you see on the web is comprised of HTML. HTML isn't a programming language; it is more similar to a text which can be effectively deciphered by the web program.


The web-development market isn't static consistently new devices presents which are out of date the old ones, yet HTML is stand-out, and it can not be supplanted without any problem. Indeed, even in web-development meets, the questioner asks a great deal of HTML Interview Inquiries, since it is the center of web development, and it is likewise easy to pose inquiries from HTML.

List of top HTML Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is HTML?
  2. What is the latest version of HTML?
  3. What is HTML 5?
  4. Can I hide my HTML code from the user?
  5. Give some new features introduced in HTML5?
  6. Give some difference between HTML and HTML5?
  7. Why do we write Doctype at the top of each HTML page?
  8. What happens if we do not mention <!DOCTYPE> in an HTML page?
  9. What are tags?
  10. Do all HTML tags come in pairs?
  11. Name all the lists we use in HTML.
  12. Name new media elements in HTML5.
  13. Why do we use the canvas elements in HTML5?
  14. What are comments in HTML and how to insert one?
  15. What is the key difference between HTML elements and tags?
  16. Name all the heading HTML consist.
  17. How can we format the HTML text?
  18. Mention some new Form elements introduced in HTML5.
  19. Name the types of Web storage in HTML5.
  20. Give two advantages of HTML5 web storage.
  21. Give a key difference between Semantic and Non-Semantic Elements:
  22. Can we get the Geographical Position of a user using HTML?
  23. Can we apply a hyperlink to images?
  24. Mention the Hierarchy of applying a Style sheet to an HTML page.
  25. Can we show all characters using HTML?


The update in any language does not change the overall language syntax or replace all the old features; however, each upgrade can bring new features and can drop some old ones.

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