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Kunal Shah
Kunal Shah

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Hello Readers,

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  • I am Kunal Shah, AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Cloud Enabler by choice, helping clients to build and achieve optimal solutions on the cloud with hands on experience of 7+ Years in the IT industry.

  • I love to talk about #aws, DevOps, aws solution design, #cloud Technology, Digital Transformation, Analytics, Operational efficiency, Cost Optimization, AWS Cloud Networking & Security.

  • You can reach out to me @

  • This is my first blog! Finally Woohoo…!! {excited :P}

  • let's get started with deploying AIRFLOW ON AWS EKS smoothly.

“Running Airflow on Amazon EKS with EC2 OnDemand & Spot Instances”

AIRFLOW - Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. Airflow is a platform that lets you build and run workflows. A workflow is represented as a DAG (a Directed Acyclic Graph) and contains individual pieces of work called Tasks, arranged with dependencies.

Features –

  • Scalable, Dynamic, Extensible, Elegant, Easy to use.

Core Components –

    1. Scheduler, Executor, DAG, Webserver, Metadata Database
  • The best part of Airflow is it's an Open-Source Tool.

EKS - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed service that you can use to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane or nodes.

  • Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.




  • Your local machine with git bash/cmd OR Amazon Linux EC2.

  • I am going with T2.MICRO Amazon EC2 Instance ( Free Tier Eligible ) “tried & tested”

  • AWS EC2 Instance (Bastion Host) for deploying the AWS EKS cluster & communicating with the EKS cluster using kubectl.

  • Once EC2 is deployed we will install below mentioned dependent packages on it :

  1. AWS CLI version 2 —
  2. eksctl
  3. kubectl
  4. Docker
  5. Helm
  6. git — yum install git

IMP: Get your Access Key & Secret Key generated & configured on AWS EC2.

  • We need to add some env variables according to the environment -
  • Let’s start by setting a few environment variables:

AOK_AWS_REGION=us-east-1 #<-- Change this to match your region
AOK_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)

  • Now we have to deploy the AWS EKS cluster using eksctl command-line utility.
  • Download / Clone repo on Amazon EC2 Linux:
{REPO with all necessary notes for this demo/poc}

  • Now run the below command on Amazon Linux EC2:

eksctl create cluster -f ekscluster.yaml

(Note — ekscluster.yaml is the file in which we define the parameters of NodeGroups & Instance Types)

  • This will create SG, EKS Cluster (ControlPlane), Node Groups, Instance Roles.

  • Once the cluster is deployed through eksctl.

  • In the background it creates 3 cloud formation templates to deploy resources-

  1. EKS Cluster
  2. OnDemand NodeGroup
  3. SpotNodeGroup

Be kind as it will take 15–20 mins to set up the entire cluster Infra.

  • we can now cross-check the nodes, services running in the cluster from AWS console & CLI.
  • kubectl get nodes

  • kubectl get pods -n airflow { airflow is your namespace }

  • kubectl get nodes — label-columns=lifecycle — selector=lifecycle=Ec2Spot

  • kubectl get nodes — label-columns=lifecycle — selector=lifecycle=OnDemand


  • AWS EKS Cluster will be publicly accessible.
  • This cluster will have two managed node groups:
  1. On-Demand node group that will run the pods for Airflow web-UI and scheduler.
  2. Spot-backed node group to run workflow tasks.
  • Then we have to set up AWS infra through the git repo provided by AWS ( clone & execute ).
  • We have to change the parameters as per our requirements.

git clone
{This repo has all folders & parameters for airflow on eks setup}
cd airflow-for-amazon-eks-blog/scripts
. ./

  • From the setup infra, we get the following infra deployed:

  • PostgreSQL DB, Auto-Scaling Group, IAM role, IAM Policies, EFS, Access Points, EIP, EC2s & SGs.

  • Now start docker services & then we will have to use this Docker Image to create pods in Node Groups.

> service docker start

Build and push the Airflow container image to the ECR repository that we created earlier as part of the environment setup:

aws ecr get-login-password \ — region $AOK_AWS_REGION | \ docker login \ — username AWS \ — password-stdin \ $AOK_AIRFLOW_REPOSITORY
docker build -t $AOK_AIRFLOW_REPOSITORY .
docker push ${AOK_AIRFLOW_REPOSITORY}:latest

  • Once the docker image is pushed to AWS ECR we can now deploy the pods.

cd ../kube {change the directory to kube}
./ {execute the}

  • The script will create the following Kubernetes resources:

    • Namespace: airflow
    • Secret: airflow-secrets
    • ConfigMap: airflow-configmap
    • Deployment: airflow
    • Service: airflow
    • Storage class: airflow-sc
    • Persistent volume: airflow-dags, airflow-logs
    • Persistent volume claim: airflow-dags, airflow-logs
    • Service account: airflow
    • Role: airflow
    • Role binding: airflow
  • The script will complete when pods are in a running state.

  • This script will deploy a classic load balancer which will have targets as nodes in which pods are running.

  • Pods are built from the Docker Image which we created above.

Airflow Walkthrough:

  • Let’s login to the Airflow web UI, and trigger a sample workflow that we have included in the demo code. Obtain the DNS name of the Airflow web-server:

echo "http://$(kubectl get service airflow -n airflow \
-o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname}"):8080\login"

  • Log into the Airflow dashboard using -

  • username: eksuser and password: ekspassword

  • Go ahead & change the password as soon as you log in.


DISCLAIMER- This DEMO/POC will incur some charges for RDS, EFS, EKS. So please make sure to clean up the environment once done.



  • It's a bit technical & lengthy that too in my first blog ;)

  • But had fun deploying Airflow manually as it's cost-efficient, Highly scalable for a production-level run as compared to MWAA.

  • I am new to this platform. Please follow & shower some love so that I can contribute & learn in this journey.

> “As they say, Good things come to those who wait”

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