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Abiodun Eniola
Abiodun Eniola

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Host a static website on Amazon S3

Step 1

  • Login to the AWS Console
  • Navigate to the S3 and click Create bucket

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Step 2

  • Give your bucket a unique name
  • Choose a region
  • Select the ACLs disabled (recommended)
  • Turn off block all public access (Note: this is not a good practice, but for this tutorial, we will turn it off
  • Disable bucket versioning ( we don't need it for now)
  • Enable the server-side encryption and choose the Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3) encryption type
  • Leave everything as default and click Create Bucket.

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Step 3

  • Now that our bucket has been created

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  • Click on the bucket we just created.
  • Let's upload our website file to the bucket

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Now that our website file has been uploaded successfully. Let's make a few setting

Step 4

  • Click on the properties tab and scroll down
  • At the Static website hosting option, click edit to change the settings

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  • Enable the static website hosting
  • Select host a static website as the hosting type
  • Input "Index.html" to specify the home or default page of the website.
  • Input "error.html" if you have an error page or leave it (It's optional) and save changes.

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Step 5

  • Click the permission tab, we need to change some settings to enable our website to be accessed publicly
  • Scroll to the bucket policy and click edit

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Now let's copy the blow policy and paste it into our text box and replace the bucket name with our own

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicRead",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-web-app00/*"

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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Click on save. Our bucket is now public and can be accessed by everyone

Step 6

  • Let's go back to the properties tab
  • Navigate to the static website hosting option
  • Copy the URL or click on the link to access our website

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Viola! Our website is up and running

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Congratulations! We have just successfully hosted our static website on AWS S3.

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