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Clay Siefken
Clay Siefken

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Soylent Green and Conway’s Law

So I was just dragging some tickets around our board, observing the links between work items and how they really are like little microcosms of our social networks at work. Anyone who has been following along with the trends of microservices and loosely-coupled team structures may be familiar with calling this class of phenomenon to be, “Conway’s Law.”

Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.

Mel Conway

This is no big shocker when you think about it, and many of us have felt this way on an instinctual level for years. If you have broken social systems at work, you will have broken technological systems at work. That’s how it goes.

Or, to summarize, Software is People. IT'S MADE OUT OF PEOPLE!!

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