DEV Community

Discussion on: Why Testing After Is a Bad Practice

cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

TDD is like any other tool we use in development, it depends on your use case.

On one hand I can see it being a huge waste of time and on the other I can see how it can be a life saver. For me it depends on the project whether or not to use TDD.

Happy coding

melli79 profile image
M. Gr.

Whenever I developed with TDD, I had more refactorings and thought deeper about corner cases. Also I had a reliable automated test suite right at the end of development.
But I agree that TDD requires discipline.
I would however not agree that TDD is a waste of time, as Uncle Bob says: The developer is to choose the tools of development and responsible for good automated tests. If your manager decides that you should not do TDD, then you should question his competences.