DEV Community

Discussion on: Python development environment in a Docker container

cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

Why create a venv inside a container? I mean your python environment is already isolated by the container, why introduce a not needed layer of abstraction? Just curious :)

mikecase profile image

You're not actually setting up a virtual environment inside the container. The container ultimately ends up being your end product. You can write your code and build your container and push it to the cloud/your server/github/dockerhub etc. It effectively sets up a CICD workflow. I will try to make this clearer in the post above but if you look at the Dockerfile you're not actually setting up a virtual environment inside the container. The only thing you do inside the container is install the required modules for your app to run and updating your codebase. Once your push that container to your server for example it can be live. No need to setup any kind of environments on your server it's all containerized.