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Discussion on: 5 Free Static Documentation Generators You Must Check Out.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

I maintain Orchid and also use it for all my projects. It's a bit different than these documentation generators, in that it focuses on the entire documentation system rather than just Markdown content.

Orchid does all the normal stuff like Markdown wikis, blogs, changelogs, etc., but then brings in code documentation like Javadoc (currently supporting docs for 4 different languages), syntax highlighting, embeddable code playgrounds, and diagrams, all in the same site. And then it publishes the site to Github Pages too, to really make it encapsulate the entire process of maintaining a documentation website!

GitHub logo orchidhq / Orchid

Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you

Build and deploy beautiful documentation sites that grow with you

Maven Central (Releases) Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots) Build Status License: GPL-3.0 JDK: 8-16

Quick-Start Documentation Tutorials Showcase Support





Deploy to Netlify

Orchid 0.X.X versions are published to JCenter at artifact coordinates like io.github.javaeden.orchid:OrchidCore:0.21.1 or io.github.javaeden.orchid:OrchidWiki:0.21.1. JCenter is deprecated, and once Orchid 1.0.0 is published, so will all 0.X.X versions.

Starting with version 1.0.0, Orchid will be published to MavenCentral under new artifact coordinates, like io.github.copper-leaf.orchid:orchid-core:1.0.0 or io.github.copper-leaf.orchid:orchid-wiki-feature:1.0.0.

In-development snapshot versions will be available in Sonatype's new (s01) snapshots repository. Snapshots are published after every successful build on the dev branch.


Orchid's User Manual will walk you through the main features of Orchid and give you a deeper understanding of each topic and feature.



There are several tutorials designed to walk you through building an Orchid site from scratch. The source for all tutorials can also be found in the OrchidTutorials repository.




attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

I'm a newbie when it comes to documentation. I didn't have to take care of it until recently. I'm currently maintaining a website that's composed from 3 projects : API, front end and an admin panel. Each with its own technologies and so on.
I'd like to build a documentation project for the entire application and publish it on my internal, private website (I'm using GitLab). Auto deploy is a bonus.

My question is: can I use Orchid for my needs and can I find a a guide that can help even a beginner like me set up and deploy the project on my private server?

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

The languages it currently supports are Java, Kotlin, Groovy, and Swift, but you can absolutely use Orchid without any of those and just use Orchid for your Markdown content and its other features. And it does support auto-deploy to GitLab!

The tutorials on are the best place to start. The "Basic Usage Tutorials" are a good intro to the main concepts, and the "Advanced" ones are more condensed overviews of using Orchid for a specific purpose, and they all have sample projects to follow along with. I'd recommend starting with the Kotlin documentation tutorial, as it should give you a good idea of what you could do with Orchid.

And feel free to reach out on our Gitter Chat, I'd be more than happy to discuss further to see if Orchid meets your needs and to help you get started!

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attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

Thanks a lot!