DEV Community

Discussion on: Java Developers, What's in Your Toolkit?

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Language: Kotlin. Java only when I must (supporting older codebases). New code is pure Kotlin, even multiplatform if it makes sense

VCS: Git, GitHub, GitKraken

CI/CD: Azure Devops, GitHub Actions, Travis CI (though I'm trying to migrate those repos to GitHub Actions)

Build Tools: Gradle. Lots and lots of Gradle.

IDEs: Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Front End: Vuejs, though I'm using Kotlin/JS more and more

Back End: Ktor, Kotlin/JS serverless on Node

Other: project docs websites with Orchid

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

I guess I'm moving to Gradle and IntelliJ, haha! Does Kotlin have its own front-end? Is that what Kotlin/JS is?