What I built
I built a digitalocean app template that deploys grafana, prometheus, and a custom prometheus exporter which monitors/displays the availability information of all the broken Mcdonald's ice cream machines in the United States.
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Random Roulette
App Link
Click here to go to the mcbroken dashboard
The mcbroken dashboard is an app template of 3 applications(listed below) which pre-configure a dashboard that is powered by mcbroken.com. Its purpose is to provide availability information of all the broken Mcdonald's ice cream machines in the United States.
Stats include:
- Current broken percentage of mcdonald's ice cream machines in the US
- City with the most broken machines and it's outage percentage
- Outage percentage of most major US cities
Link to Source Code
Permissive License
I remember seeing mcbroken.com circle the news a little while ago and thought this was absolutely hilarious. What's the point of being an engineer if you can't over engineer things for a good laugh?
Not only would it be hilarious, but thought it would also be a good learning opportunity to learn how to wire up multiple components for a single application on digitalocean's new platform.
How I built it
I utilized digitalocean's new app platform to deploy an application that consists of a pretty cloud native architecture. Wiring up all the components on the platform was much simpler than I thought. I love that it's essentially kubernetes under the hood so all the existing functional knowledge is applicable, yet there's so much more simplicity when it comes to getting your application to "just work".
Top comments (1)
Cool :)