DEV Community

Discussion on: Why you should aim to be at a company with a lot of users

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Chun Fei Lung

This kind of reminds me of these two lines from Baz Luhrmann’s Everybody Free (To Wear Sunscreen):

Live in New York City once but leave before it makes you hard
Live in northern California once but leave before it makes you soft

The two cities are presented as extremes, which small startups and companies with high-volume products often tend to be. Not sure which is which here, but that doesn’t matter.

Does building things make you happy? Follow Jon’s advice: look for places that are new, where you can still make huge contributions. Would you rather solve hard, complex challenges? Do what Scott suggests and try to work on an application that already has millions of users.

Most people will eventually end up somewhere in between.

But everybody’s different. Some already know that they only want one or the other. That’s fine too!

scottstern06 profile image

Thanks for reading and sharing that passage :) I love it