DEV Community

Discussion on: What to expect from in 2018

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez • Edited

Btw, does this mean there's post collaboration? 🧐

By Ben, Jesse and Peter

This is the first time I see "[...] with [Person 2] and [Person 3]

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It's currently an admin-only feature and it's not really general-purpose in its implementation. So no, but in the future we'll have some stuff like this.

If you want to know where my head is at: I want us to add tooling for a sort of version control for posts, so great posts can be kept up to date and be more "timeless", the same way GitHub repos can be. But without the needs of all the features of version control like git, the UI can be a lot simpler.

Stack Overflow and Wikipedia, etc. have concepts like this too. I think it's an important eventual feature for the knowledge-base evolution. We want the original author to maintain full authorship and ownership of the post, but if it can be improved or have any of the code updated, it will be good for the long run. Some posts make sense to be updated, some it makes sense for them to be maintained as a capsule in time. These are all things to think about as we evolve.

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

This sounds awesome!