Tl;dr: Write them before writing the actual code
You always hear how you should write more, better comments... But this is a habit we probably all struggle with
A few days ago I was working on a function that I knew what it should do, which is to take an image at a specified path and create a copy of that image with a different width to a subfolder of the original image, the subfolder's name being the new width.
Here is the base structure of this function (yes, I write PHP, sue me):
public function compressImage(string $imagePath, int $size)
I knew what the function should do, but didn't quite know how to make it do what I wanted to, so I jotted down my ideas in the form of comments:
public function compressImage(string $imagePath, int $size)
// Find out path of original image
// Scale down image
// Create new path if it does not exist yet
// Save scaled down version in new path
// Return relative path to compressed Image
With this I managed to organize my mind. Next came the part of actually writing the code, which was now a lot easier because the comments told me, what I was supposed to do. This is the final function:
public function compressImage(string $imagePath, int $size)
// Find out path of original image
$originalImgPath = '';
$splImgPath = explode('/', $imagePath);
$fileName = array_pop($splImgPath);
$originalImgPath = implode('/', $splImgPath);
// Scale down image
$imgObject = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($imagePath));
$scaled = imagescale($imgObject, $size);
// Create new path if it does not exist yet
if (!is_dir("${originalImgPath}/${size}")) {
mkdir("${originalImgPath}/${size}", 0777, true);
// Save scaled down version in new path
imagejpeg($scaled, "${originalImgPath}/${size}/${fileName}");
return "${originalImgPath}/${size}/${fileName}";
(I was lucky because I could basically just copy the part of the actual scaling (imagejpeg($scaled, "${originalImgPath}/${size}/${fileName}");
from a function I'd written a few months ago, so it was pretty much straight-forward.)
I hope you found this approach interesting and will be able to at least give it a try in one of your own projects. I would also be delighted to hear your ideas on how to write good comments.
Lastly, I hope you have a lovely day, wherever you may be
Top comments (2)
This is also known as the pseudocode approach, which has good and bad points, as @danrot90 brought up here: =)
There is a similar but possibly more helpful approach (that I am unable to find my original reference for sadly - too long ago!) whereby you assume dependent objects have the methods you need to write a complete piece of logic, so you concentrate on the one thing, then go back and fill out the dependencies later (the compiler will nicely tell you what's missing!) - avoiding getting lost in the wormhole of implementation detail. I use this a lot :)
Yeah I guess that's a very valid argument. But I don't think my approach really repeats what the code does, it summarizes what a code Block is supposed to do, so if we look at the example from my post and I decide I want to change how the name of the file is determined. Now I can tell, just by looking at the comments, that that will have to be in the first code block.