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Christian Andrei
Christian Andrei

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What If. Dev Edition

A lot of topics here in dev are mostly fall on a category of How to, Tips to and Learn to.

But what if there's a category about What if? Well, that's a topic for another... What If.

There is an entertaining platform What if with 12M followers on Facebook and 4.5M subscribers on Youtube at the time of this writing. Its more on science and exploration of possibilities. Here are some awesome topics on it.

What If We Dumped Our Trash into Volcanoes?
What If You Fell From the International Space Station?
What If a Black Neutron Star Entered the Solar System?

The narrator will start with some introduction, then tell what would happen and open another What If topic at the end.

How about on tech? These are some of What If in my mind:

  • What if jQuery was not free to use before?
  • What if nodejs never existed?
  • What if there is no Open Source projects?
  • What if the idea of reconciliation or Virtual Dom implemented on early 2000?

Hope that great minds and content creators write something like this, that would be very interesting to read.

What's your What If? Comment down below! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Top comments (1)

paraspl01t profile image
Tushar Tyagi • Edited

Interesting questions.

What if jQuery was not free to use before?

Most developers just simple wouldn't use it. And some would just use a pirated version of it or use a similar library. One thing is for sure, jQuery would have a significantly less usage rates.

What if nodejs never existed?

That would suck. I hate PHP and .net

What if there is no Open Source projects?

Tough to say but that would suck for sure.
EDIT: that would mean no brackets, atom text editor and VSCode.

What if the idea of reconciliation or Virtual Dom implemented on early 2000?

JavaScript was no where near close to getting it's shit together back then. So, If there was an implementation of virtual DOM in 2000s? It would be a bad one.