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Top 35 ReactJS Interview Questions Every Developer Should Know

In which situation would you use refs in React?

Refs in React are a powerful tool for interacting with the DOM directly. They come in handy when you need to access or modify a DOM element outside of the typical React data flow. For instance, you might use refs to focus an input field, integrate with third-party libraries that rely on direct DOM manipulation or perform imperative actions like animations. Refs provide a way to bridge the gap between the declarative world of React and the imperative nature of the DOM.
2.How would you use to handle events in React?
In React, event handling is vital for building interactive user interfaces. You can use event handlers like onClick, onChange, and more to respond to user interactions. These functions allow you to define actions or behavior when events occur. For example, you can use the onClick event to trigger a function when a button is clicked. Event handling in React is essential for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.

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