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Discussion on: Are one liners always pythonic?

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Did someone say one-line Brainf*ck interpreter?

( lambda ins, sys: ( ( lambda f: f( f, 0, 0, data=[0]*100000, bp=( (lambda f: f(f, [], {}, 0)[0][1])( lambda g, bs, bp, ix: ( ((bs, bp),) if ix >= len(ins) else ( (g(g, bs + [ix], bp, ix+1), )[0] if ins[ix] == '[' else ( (g(g, bs[:-1], bp, ix+1), bp.update({ix: bs[-1], bs[-1]:ix}),)[0] if ins[ix] == ']' else g(g, bs, bp, ix+1) ) ) ) ) ) ) )( lambda g, ptr, i, data, bp: ( None if i >= len(ins) else g(g, *{ '>': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p + 1, i+1,), '<': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p - 1, i+1,), '+': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p, i+1, d.__setitem__(p, (d[p]+1)%256))[:-1], '-': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p, i+1, d.__setitem__(p, (d[p]-1)%256))[:-1], '.': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p, i+1, sys.stdout.write(chr(d[p])))[:-1], ',': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p, i+1, d.__setitem__(p, ord([:-1], '[': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p, brace_pairs[i] + 1 if not d[p] else i+1, ), ']': lambda d, p, i, brace_pairs: (p, brace_pairs[i] + 1 if d[p] else i+1, ), }[ins[i]](data, ptr, i, bp), data, bp) ) ) ) )( ''.join(i for i in open(__import__('sys').argv[1]).read() if i in {'<', '>', '+', '-', '.', ',', '[', ']'}), (__import__('sys'), __import__('sys').setrecursionlimit(100000))[0], )
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miguelmj profile image

An insane language should have an insane interpreter!

qviper profile image

Lambda within a lambda. You deserve a medal.

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

lol can't claim the credit but definitely a bunch of clever tricks in there, here's another one-line Brainf*ck interpreter

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qviper profile image

Thanks for sharing. But oneliner is not that much readable. (I think)

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miguelmj profile image

That's true, but I guess for some they are like a challenge. It happens the same with esoteric languages... We could say that Python becomes an esoteric language when you apply the rule "all in one line" hahaha

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chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Pretty recently I was writing a program that was going to be automated on a server with limited space so I crunched the program from 100 lines to like 15 awful one liners and it cut the size of the file down to like less than a kilobyte lol it was a fun challenge to see how small I could get the program and I could see people doing it for fun/proof of concept