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How to override create-react-app jest config w/t restrictions

The below snippet allows you to override react testing library to pass custom global variables to your jest tests. Sure, it is a hack but this way you can override any jest args without ejecting from create-react-app. Just run it instead of the standard test script πŸ˜‰.

const fs = require('fs')
const vm = require('vm')
const jest = require('jest')

const extractJestArgsFromReactTestScript = () => {
  const sandbox = vm.createContext({
    capturedArgs: null,
    require: path => (
      require(path[0] === '.' ? `${__dirname}/../node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/${path}` : path)
    __dirname: `${__dirname}/../node_modules/react-scripts/scripts`

  const testScriptContent = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/test.js`, 'utf8')

  const scriptAsArray = testScriptContent

  scriptAsArray.push('capturedArgs = argv')

  const scriptToRun = scriptAsArray.join('\n')

  vm.runInContext(scriptToRun, sandbox)

  return sandbox.capturedArgs

const capturedArgs = extractJestArgsFromReactTestScript()
const jestConfigValueArgIndex = capturedArgs.findIndex(arg => arg === '--config') + 1
const jestOverriddenConfig = JSON.parse(capturedArgs[jestConfigValueArgIndex])
const overriddenArgs = [...capturedArgs]

jestOverriddenConfig.globals = Object.assign(jestOverriddenConfig.globals || {}, {
  someGlobal: 'hello!'

overriddenArgs[jestConfigValueArgIndex] = JSON.stringify(jestOverriddenConfig)

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