DEV Community

Discussion on: [RELEASE] GlueDOM: JSX alternative to make non-trivial components easier to read and maintain

chrisczopp profile image
chris-czopp • Edited

Angular and Vue both try to shove a half-baked attempt at integrating js into their HTML and it comes off very difficult and limited

I agree with @seanmclem . I'm a big fan of separation of concerns and keeping UI as dummy as possible. And the templating languages provide kind of API/contract. I even had a chance to develop one and I soon realised I need to provide more flexibility. My problem with templating languages is that they are still mix of HTML and pseudo JS (e.g. loops and conditionals). I understand using attributes in a declarative way (passing strings) to tell renderer what is what, but having kind of inline JS in them is just too much. Therefore, I decided to develop a pure JS syntax which is always consistent, even in edge cases and can be easily generated from HTML ( How to constrain it so developers (especially less experienced) don't make a spaghetti out of it might be done by linting or at transpiling.

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seanmclem profile image

We can agree to disagree then. JSX works best for me in everything that I do. I would caution passing judgement on everyone who doesn't agree with you..

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sroehrl profile image

Didn't mean to judge, it's more of a disbelief that one can come to that conclusion. So sorry if that sounded too harsh

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seanmclem profile image

Well I have worked with many other formats and I take pride in my informed decision of preference

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chrisczopp profile image

Absolutely, you should take pride of your informed tech decisions. The nice thing about this industry is a large choice of tools which I believe drives the progress and innovation.