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Unathi Chonco
Unathi Chonco

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TIL: HTML <label> elements, what are they `for`?

TIL: HTML <label> elements, what are they for?

Today I learnt that <label> elements aren’t just semantic html tags used to make your code a bit more understandable, or “well structured”.

Besides just representing the caption for a specific piece of your interface, labels can give you a few benefits when used correctly to associate the label with an input (or any other labelable element).

There are 2 methods of associating a label to an input

1. Using the for attribute

To get this working you need to:

  • give the <input> an id attribute
  • give the <label> a for attribute that is the same value as the input’s id
<div class="form__group">
  <input class="form__input" type="text" id="name">
  <label class="form__label" for="name">Full name</label>
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2. Having a contained control element

All this requires is placing the input inside of the label, and it will be associated implicitly.

<div class="form__group">
  <label class="form__label">
    <input class="form__input" type="text">
    Full name
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Assistive tech, such as screen readers, will be able to read out the label when the user is focused on the input. This is a small use-case, but accessibility is always important. A small win that could go a long way.

User Experience

A user, on desktop or mobile, can click on either the input or the label to focus/activate the specific input.

TL;DR and Examples

Labels can be used to activate/focus on an associated input.

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