DEV Community

Christian Sedlmair
Christian Sedlmair

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A new kind of working

Streamlining, guidelines such as "convention over configuration" and a concise naming convention were the beginning of the success of the rails.

2021 DHH published Rails-7 fulfilling a vision and there is an expectation that we can now build React-like applications, but as a true full-stack development with much less effort than a front-end separated application.

Along the way I found some details:

  • Streamline Stimulus naming npm vite-stimulus-initializer
  • Working consistently with turbo means that part of the page hasn't changed between page changes. So they need to be refreshed in some other way: Popups often have content that needs to be refreshed when the popup or menu opens. I don't use lazy loading frames, but set a javascript trigger when the menu opens and reloads that part, and then set a trigger on `turbo:render' that makes sure all menus and popups are closed when a link is clicked.
  • Streamlining rendering of turbo frames

With all this and Vite as the frontend engine, full stack development feels like it should. Building such an app is much easier than separating frontend and backend, is minimally more effort than a classic Rails app bild React-like frontend apps, but with one huge advantage: having a consistent testing (rspec / capybara) over the whole app.

Rails was the most agile framework from the start. Then others caught up. These are added values that can make Rails an interesting framework for years to come.

As a alternative to the default trix editor i found Jodit because of issue on summernote on vite

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