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Cover image for πŸš€ #4 JavaScript Project Series That Makes You Pro.
Chetan Atrawalkar
Chetan Atrawalkar

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πŸš€ #4 JavaScript Project Series That Makes You Pro.

Hello Coders!πŸ‘‹

Welcome back to the Javascript project series. Today i'm share another amazing project.

πŸ’Ÿ Save This Series For Upcoming Projects.

oh yeah

  • πŸ’₯ Let's get started....πŸš€

⏲️ Progress bar style clock | Clock using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • In this project, we learn that how we create a Clock progress bar. We use HTML, Css, and javascript for this Clock progress bar. Hope you enjoy this projects series, so let's start....

Here's a preview :-

Image description

A basic HTML structure for a Clock progress bar.


<div id="clock" class="progress-clock">  
      <button class="progress-clock__time-date" data-group="d" type="button">  
           <small data-unit="w">Sunday</small><br>  
           <span data-unit="mo">January</span>  
           <span data-unit="d">1</span>  
      <button class="progress-clock__time-digit" data-unit="h" data-group="h" type="button">12</button><span class="progress-clock__time-colon">:</span><button class="progress-clock__time-digit" data-unit="m" data-group="m" type="button">00</button><span class="progress-clock__time-colon">:</span><button class="progress-clock__time-digit" data-unit="s" data-group="s" type="button">00</button>  
      <span class="progress-clock__time-ampm" data-unit="ap">AM</span>  
      <svg class="progress-clock__rings" width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 256 256">  
                <linearGradient id="pc-red" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5">  
                     <stop offset="0%" stop-color="hsl(343,90%,55%)" />  
                     <stop offset="100%" stop-color="hsl(323,90%,55%)" />  
                <linearGradient id="pc-yellow" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5">  
                     <stop offset="0%" stop-color="hsl(43,90%,55%)" />  
                     <stop offset="100%" stop-color="hsl(23,90%,55%)" />  
                <linearGradient id="pc-blue" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5">  
                     <stop offset="0%" stop-color="hsl(223,90%,55%)" />  
                     <stop offset="100%" stop-color="hsl(203,90%,55%)" />  
                <linearGradient id="pc-purple" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5">  
                     <stop offset="0%" stop-color="hsl(283,90%,55%)" />  
                     <stop offset="100%" stop-color="hsl(263,90%,55%)" />  
           <!-- Days of Month -->  
           <g data-units="d">  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="74" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-red)" stroke-width="12" />  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="mo" cx="128" cy="128" r="74" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-red)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="465 465" stroke-dashoffset="465" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" />  
           <!-- Hours of Day -->  
           <g data-units="h">  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="90" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-yellow)" stroke-width="12" />  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="d" cx="128" cy="128" r="90" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-yellow)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="565.5 565.5" stroke-dashoffset="565.5" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" />  
           <!-- Minutes of Hour -->  
           <g data-units="m">  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="106" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-blue)" stroke-width="12" />  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="h" cx="128" cy="128" r="106" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-blue)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="666 666" stroke-dashoffset="666" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" />  
           <!-- Seconds of Minute -->  
           <g data-units="s">  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="122" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-purple)" stroke-width="12" />  
                <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="m" cx="128" cy="128" r="122" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-purple)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="766.5 766.5" stroke-dashoffset="766.5" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" />  
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

There is all HTML code for the Clock progress bar. Now, you can see output without CSS, then we write css & javascript for a Clock progress bar.


Image dde


* {  
      border: 0;  
      box-sizing: border-box;  
      margin: 0;  
      padding: 0;  
 :root {  
      --hue: 223;  
      --bg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,90%);  
      --fg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,10%);  
      font-size: calc(16px + (24 - 16) * (100vw - 320px) / (1280 - 320));  
 body, button {  
      color: var(--fg);  
      font: 1em/1.5 -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;  
 body {  
      background-color: var(--bg);  
      height: 100vh;  
      display: grid;  
      place-items: center;  
 .progress-clock {  
      display: grid;  
      justify-content: center;  
      align-content: center;  
      position: relative;  
      text-align: center;  
      width: 16em;  
      height: 16em;  
 .progress-clock__time-ampm {  
      transition: color 0.2s linear;  
      -webkit-user-select: none;  
      -moz-user-select: none;  
      user-select: none;  
 .progress-clock__time-digit {  
      background: transparent;  
 .progress-clock__time-ampm {  
      grid-column: 1 / 6;  
 .progress-clock__time-date {  
      font-size: 0.75em;  
      line-height: 1.33;  
 .progress-clock__time-colon {  
      font-size: 2em;  
      font-weight: 400;  
      grid-row: 2;  
 .progress-clock__time-colon {  
      line-height: 1.275;  
 .progress-clock__time-ampm {  
      cursor: default;  
      grid-row: 3;  
 .progress-clock__rings {  
      display: block;  
      position: absolute;  
      top: 0;  
      left: 0;  
      width: 100%;  
      height: 100%;  
      z-index: -1;  
 .progress-clock__ring {  
      opacity: 0.1;  
 .progress-clock__ring-fill {  
           opacity 0s 0.3s linear,  
           stroke-dashoffset 0.3s ease-in-out;  
 .progress-clock__ring-fill--360 {  
      opacity: 0;  
      stroke-dashoffset: 0;  
      transition-duration: 0.3s;  
 [data-group]:focus {  
      outline: transparent;  
 [data-units] {  
      transition: opacity 0.2s linear;  
 [data-group="d"]:hover {  
      color: hsl(333,90%,55%);  
 [data-group="h"]:hover {  
      color: hsl(33,90%,55%);  
 [data-group="m"]:hover {  
      color: hsl(213,90%,55%);  
 [data-group="s"]:hover {  
      color: hsl(273,90%,55%);  
 [data-group]:focus ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units],  
 [data-group]:hover ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units] {  
      opacity: 0.2;  
 [data-group="d"]:focus ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="d"],  
 [data-group="d"]:hover ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="d"],  
 [data-group="h"]:focus ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="h"],  
 [data-group="h"]:hover ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="h"],  
 [data-group="m"]:focus ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="m"],  
 [data-group="m"]:hover ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="m"],  
 [data-group="s"]:focus ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="s"],  
 [data-group="s"]:hover ~ .progress-clock__rings [data-units="s"] {  
      opacity: 1;  
 /* Dark theme */  
 @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {  
      :root {  
           --bg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,10%);  
           --fg: hsl(var(--hue),10%,90%);  
      .progress-clock__ring {  
           opacity: 0.2;  
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now we have completed our CSS section, Here is our updated output CSS.


Image click

JavaScript CODE

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => {  
      const clock = new ProgressClock("#clock");  
 class ProgressClock {  
      constructor(qs) {  
           this.el = document.querySelector(qs);  
           this.time = 0;  
           this.updateTimeout = null;  
           this.ringTimeouts = [];  
      getDayOfWeek(day) {  
           switch (day) {  
                case 1:  
                     return "Monday";  
                case 2:  
                     return "Tuesday";  
                case 3:  
                     return "Wednesday";  
                case 4:  
                     return "Thursday";  
                case 5:  
                     return "Friday";  
                case 6:  
                     return "Saturday";  
                     return "Sunday";  
      getMonthInfo(mo,yr) {  
           switch (mo) {  
                case 1:  
                     return { name: "February", days: yr % 4 === 0 ? 29 : 28 };  
                case 2:  
                     return { name: "March", days: 31 };  
                case 3:  
                     return { name: "April", days: 30 };  
                case 4:  
                     return { name: "May", days: 31 };  
                case 5:  
                     return { name: "June", days: 30 };  
                case 6:  
                     return { name: "July", days: 31 };  
                case 7:  
                     return { name: "August", days: 31 };  
                case 8:  
                     return { name: "September", days: 30 };  
                case 9:  
                     return { name: "October", days: 31 };  
                case 10:  
                     return { name: "November", days: 30 };  
                case 11:  
                     return { name: "December", days: 31 };  
                     return { name: "January", days: 31 };  
      update() {  
           this.time = new Date();  
           if (this.el) {  
                // date and time  
                const dayOfWeek = this.time.getDay();  
                const year = this.time.getFullYear();  
                const month = this.time.getMonth();  
                const day = this.time.getDate();  
                const hr = this.time.getHours();  
                const min = this.time.getMinutes();  
                const sec = this.time.getSeconds();  
                const dayOfWeekName = this.getDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek);  
                const monthInfo = this.getMonthInfo(month,year);  
                const m_progress = sec / 60;  
                const h_progress = (min + m_progress) / 60;  
                const d_progress = (hr + h_progress) / 24;  
                const mo_progress = ((day - 1) + d_progress) / monthInfo.days;  
                const units = [  
                          label: "w",  
                          value: dayOfWeekName  
                          label: "mo",  
                          progress: mo_progress  
                          label: "d",   
                          value: day,  
                          progress: d_progress  
                          label: "h",   
                          value: hr > 12 ? hr - 12 : hr,  
                          progress: h_progress  
                          label: "m",   
                          value: min < 10 ? "0" + min : min,  
                          progress: m_progress  
                          label: "s",   
                          value: sec < 10 ? "0" + sec : sec  
                          label: "ap",  
                          value: hr > 12 ? "PM" : "AM"  
                // flush out the timeouts  
                this.ringTimeouts.forEach(t => {  
                this.ringTimeouts = [];  
                // update the display  
                units.forEach(u => {  
                     // rings  
                     const ring = this.el.querySelector(`[data-ring="${u.label}"]`);  
                     if (ring) {  
                          const strokeDashArray = ring.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray");  
                          const fill360 = "progress-clock__ring-fill--360";  
                          if (strokeDashArray) {  
                               // calculate the stroke  
                               const circumference = +strokeDashArray.split(" ")[0];  
                               const strokeDashOffsetPct = 1 - u.progress;  
                                    strokeDashOffsetPct * circumference  
                               // add the fade-out transition, then remove it  
                               if (strokeDashOffsetPct === 1) {  
                                         setTimeout(() => {  
                                         }, 600)  
                     // digits  
                     const unit = this.el.querySelector(`[data-unit="${u.label}"]`);  
                     if (unit)  
                          unit.innerText = u.value;  
           this.updateTimeout = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this),1e3);  
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Final Output


Now we have completed our javascript section, Here is our updated output with javascript. Hope you like the Clock progress bar.

β™₯️ Save This Series For Upcoming Amazing Projects.

Thanks for reading!

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