DEV Community

Daniel Chege
Daniel Chege

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SQL 101: Introduction to Structured Query Language(SQL)

What is SQL?

-SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a language designed to allow both technical and non-technical users query, manipulate, and transform data from a relational database. And due to its simplicity, SQL databases provide safe and scalable storage for millions of websites and mobile applications.

  • There are many popular SQL databases including SQLite, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, they all support the common SQL language standard.

What is relational database?

  • A relational database is a type of database that stores and provides access to data points that are related to one another.

For example, if a school has a database, you might find a table containing data of all students. This table might need to store the student name, administration number, age, and his/her level(grade). For example;``

Table: Students

-- Create a database and table

Administration_number INT PRIMARY KEY,
Student_name VARCHAR(50),
Age INT,
Grade INT

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