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Cover image for How to get a JS.ORG subdomain served through a gh-pages branch
Oz Ramos
Oz Ramos

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How to get a JS.ORG subdomain served through a gh-pages branch is a free service started by Stefan Keim in 2015 that provides custom subdomains for your GitHub Pages. What I especially love about the service is that it makes it easy for users of your projects to remember the my case I have a library called Handsfree.js hosted on!

The easiest way to do this is to follow their setup guide, but in this topic I'll take things further by explaining how to create an NPM script that commits your build directory to a gh-pages branch on the same repo.

Step 1 - Naming your repo

In order for this to work, your desired subdomain must match your username or project name exactly (see exceptions). If you have a project located at then the subdomain could be or

Step 2: Add a CNAME

The next step is to add a file called CNAME (no extension) to the root of your project's build directory. A CNAME maps a GitHub Pages domains to a custom domain.

Inside the CNAME, add a single line with the subdomain you'd like:

Here's a sample project directory:

    dist/            <---- Build directory
      |- js/
      |- index.html
      |- CNAME       <---- Contains ""

Step 3: Commit build directory to gh-pages

The next step is to commit your build directory to a gh-pages branch. This is a special branch that when committed to will expose its contents at Because we have a CNAME in there, it'll tell GitHub to use that domain instead.

Step 4: Make a Pull Request to the repo

The final step is to make a pull request to the repo. Simply add a new line to that file, where the key is your project name and the value is the subdomain you added in the CNAME. In our case it would be:

      "project": ""

Bonus Step - npm script

If you've followed the steps so far, you'll see your project live at the in around 24 hours!

However, because we are serving out of the /dist folder you'll quickly discover that you have to cd into your /dist folder each time, add your CNAME, and commit it to the gh-pages branch. That's really annoying and so the following steps will help automate that.

First, add the shell package to your projects devDependencies with npm install -D shelljs. This will help us automate the terminal commands we would normally use to deploy from the dist folder.

Next, open your project's package.json file and add the following script:

      "scripts: {
        "deploy": "node deploy.js"

Then add a file named deploy.js to your projects root. This script will:

  • Navigate to your build directory
  • Create a CNAME record for you with your subdomain
  • Commit the contents of your build directory to the gh-branch of your
     * Helper script for building and deploying
     * Deploys out of /dist/

    // Change these to match your Repo URL and the domain
    const gitRepo = ""
    const domainName = ""
    const distPath = "dist"

    // build
    const pkg = require('./package.json')
    const shell = require('shelljs')

    // navigate into the build output directory

    // Create the CNAME and commit the directory
    shell.exec(`echo ${domainName} > CNAME`)
    shell.exec('git init')
    shell.exec('git add -A')
    shell.exec(`git commit -m "deploy docs for ${pkg.version}"`)

    // Push the project to the gh-pages branch
    shell.exec(`git remote add origin ${gitRepo}`)
    shell.exec('git push origin master:gh-pages -f')'-')

Now, whenever you build your project you can just run npm run deploy to deploy your build directory to your new domain, even if the build directory itself .gitignored!


There are a few gotchas with using

Thanks for reading!

In this topic we learned how get a subdomain, which pulls its contents from our build directory. We also explored an automation script to commit our build directory to the project's gh-branch.

Let me know if you get stuck at any stage, this was a bit tricky for me to figure out but in my opinion is definitely worth it!

Top comments (2)

hedyhli profile image

Hi, is there possibly a python equivelent of Where you can get subdomains but for python?

sidcraftscode profile image

I don't think so. But you can get a subdomain