DEV Community

Eng Soon Cheah
Eng Soon Cheah

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Create an AKS cluster

  1. Open the Azure portal.
  2. Select the Cloud Shell icon next to the search box.
  3. Select PowerShell, and then create the Azure file share.
  4. Create a resource group by using Azure PowerShell:

Note: To find a location near you, refer to

PS Azure:> az group create –name AZ500 –location westus

Azure outputs the following:


“id”: "/subscriptions/61f927e9-94e6-4f6d-a737-5d482c6f4316/resourceGroups/AZ500",

“location”: "westus", “managedBy”: null,"name": “AZ500”,"properties": {

“provisioningState”: "Succeeded" },“tags”: null, "type": null}

5.Create the Kubernetes cluster, which is a three-node cluster. The –no-wait returns to your command-line interface (CLI) window while the cluster is being built:

PS Azure:> az aks create –resource-group AZ500 -name alamo -node-count 3 –generate-ssh-keys –no-wait

Azure outputs the following:


SSH key files ‘/home/philip/.ssh/id_rsa’ and '/home/philip/.ssh/' have been generated under ~/.ssh to allow SSH access to the VM. If using machines without permanent storage like Azure Cloud Shell without an attached file share, back up your keys to a safe location

Finished service principal creation[##################################] 100.0000%


6.Review your resource groups in the Azure portal to find the Kubernetes service you created.

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