DEV Community

Discussion on: How to start Coding up your Design System in Vue

charlesokwuagwu profile image

Very nice write up. Please do you have a GitHub sample one can get started with?
For me the hardest part of building an app is the page / site layout and structuring. do you also have any suggestions on that as well for vue app?

maxmonteil profile image
Maximilien Monteil • Edited

Hey, thanks so much for reading it through, glad you enjoyed it!

So I don't currently have an example repo but I'm working on including these features into the todo app repo I have. When I finish that I'll let you know.

In the mean time, here is how I structure my apps:

- src
  - App.vue
  - components/
  |  - TheNavbar.vue    // A unique component for my app's navigation
  |  - BaseCard.vue     // Designed component for all UI cards
  |  - IconBase.vue     // as per the article
  |  - icons/           // this folder is also like in the article
  |  |  - IconMoon.vue
  |  |  - ...
  |  - inputs/
  |  |  - BaseTextInput.vue   // the one that gets imported into others
  |  |  - InputLarge.vue      // uses BaseTextInput and customizes it

  - layouts/     // for compound components, those made up of the basic ones
  |  - forms/
  |  |  - BookForm.vue
  |  |  - AuthorForm.vue
  |  |  - ShelfForm.vue
  |  - home/     // for compound components used on the home page only
  |  |  - ShelfDisplay.vue

  - pages/       // pages are actual URL endpoints (
  |  - Home.vue
  |  - library/        // pages with subroutes can be nested
  |  |  - Index.vue
  |  |  - Form.vue     // ({ form: 'new-book'})
        // I dynamically choose which form to use with a route prop

  - router
  |  - index.js
  |  - modules/

  - store
  |  - index.js
  |  - modules/

  - utils/

  - api/

For the form components, the components are inside a <fieldset> tag and it is the final Page components that wrap them all in a <form> to avoid nested forms.

More on forms here: Vue.js - Forms, components and considerations - Medium

Pages generally only need to import compound components and that might be where I put the logic regarding that page, so forms would v-model to a value here.

The utils/ folder is for functions that are used across the app for specific purposes, like functions a function to calculate a currency conversion. They do all their work locally.

The api/ folder is for organizing calls to your database, or any other requests to a network.

This is a rough explanation of how I've come to organize my medium+ apps, its not final but it works so far.

charlesokwuagwu profile image

This is really good.

Just curious, but have you looked into Atomic Design + TailwindCSS + functional Vue components, these pieces all seem like a good fit.

Your article has really given me much to think about.

Thanks again.

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maxmonteil profile image
Maximilien Monteil

Yeah those were all readings that inspired me to work as I do now, all great reads and styles.

charlesokwuagwu profile image

Thanks for the response.

I looked at one of the documents you referenced:

Further reading led me to this:

Would you considered this a better starting point for making base components?

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maxmonteil profile image
Maximilien Monteil

Did not know about this library, it is a very good starting point but I still think it misses the mark in a couple of ways, some of which are described in Markus' article:

  • The components aren't functional (that adds some bloat)
  • They aren't transparent (it doesn't bind classes and attributes)
  • Component classes are baked in which reduces flexibility
  • Uses mixins (that's fine but Vue 3 is already moving away from those)

These are the issues I would personally have using this library, but it does an amazing job following accessibility guidelines and keeping overall bundle size down.