DEV Community

Discussion on: What are the worst security practices you've ever witnessed?

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

Cruft driven development: it's case insensitive somewhere in our insane mess of tools and systems, therefore make it case insensitive in this instance for compatibility.

AKA "I don't have time to clean up my disaster of a living room therefore I can't pick up this pizza box."

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tvanantwerp profile image
Tom VanAntwerp

I used to use 32-character alphanumeric random strings as answers to secret questions...until I had to read one over the phone.

Rep: Ok, so what street did you grow up on?
Me: Hold on, let me check the random answer in my password manager...
Password manager: ytuu^QoGZc5JQZ4BW3TuvH&w#jLlm%6T
Me: Fuck!
Rep (seeing the same thing on his end): laughter
Me: What if I just tell you it starts with y and ends with T?
Rep: Good enough.

Now I do something like diceware instead.

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areahints profile image

Hahaha 😂

I feel like, this will happen to me soon.