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🌟Open-source SaaS Starter: React + Firebase + Stripe + i18n

Chaoming Li on November 26, 2024

After several years of building SaaS businesses, I recognized a recurring challenge: nearly every SaaS application requires implementing a set of...
matek075 profile image

Any advice on how to deal with such a case ->
I have pricing on the landing page. The user clicks on the offer and purchase plan, and then I want to create a user account in Firebase.

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

If I understand your scenario correctly, this would be the pricing page (website) -> the sign-up form (web app). The system has the route for the sign-up page so you can always link to it.

matek075 profile image
Matek • Edited

Just want to give possibility to buy subscription without having account.
So the flow will be following->
User buys subscription then system creates account for user.

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chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

Using the Stripe data to create accounts?

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matek075 profile image

Create account in firebase. We can use the same email as for payments details

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chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

That is a great idea. I have a Hugo theme ( which could be the starting point of the process. Thank you for the idea!

Don't hesitate to contribute code if you like.

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matek075 profile image

Sure thank You

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matek075 profile image

I'm trying to create subscription and I'm getting

POST http://localhost:5555/my-app-name/us-central1/createSubscription net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

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matek075 profile image

Looks like ports are wrong?
Image description

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chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

Looks like your Cloud Functions are on port 5001. Make sure you configure it the same port in the config.json (

nfodor profile image
Nicolas Fodor

Is Firebase replacable by others?

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

Which tech stack do you have in mind?

The framework is designed to be customizable. It consists of a bunch of React components, so custom-built components can replace them.

The reason for Firebase is that it is serverless and very cost-effective. The current version of components uses Firebase Auth for authentication, Firestore for its database and Cloud Functions for server-side functions.

eshimischi profile image
eshimischi • Edited

It’s agnostic. Personally would go with instead

cheetah100 profile image
Peter Harrison

This sounds awesome. Building my own SaaS at the moment, and solving these problems is a pretty major time sink. Will take a look.

chaoming profile image
Chaoming Li

Indeed, it takes weeks easily if start from scratch. I hope you find the project helpful. Feel free to give me feedback.

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CEO Playbooks
